Thursday, January 27

Elders waypoints to your map using TomTom (Cataclysm)

Waypoints for Elders event NPC's to your map, so you dont have to alt/tab all the time, what supports TomTom, what you can get here TomTom : WoWInterface Downloads : Map Mods, coords/compasses

You can delete the waypoints by using:

/way reset all

but it WILL remove all the waypoints even your own personal waypoints if you have some so beware.

You will need to put these to macro (by putting this to chat it just creates mess) and as you notice the lines between them, macro is limited to 255 characters to you will need to make several macros (or just copy/paste to previous macro)
Get some addon what supports big macros. (I'm using outdated SuperDuperMacro)

Elders of Kalimdor (21)
/way Teldrassil 56.82 53.09 Dolanaar
/way Silithus 53.02 35.47 Cenarion Hold
/way Mulgore 48.3 53.4 Bloodhoof Village
/way Winterspring 53.2 56.6 Lake Kel'Theril

/way Tanaris 51.4 28.8 Gadgetzan
/way Feralas 76.70 37.95 Lariss Pavilion
/way Southern Barrens 41.57 47.50 Vendetta point near Camp Taurajo
/way Feralas 62.50 31.00 Dire Maul pvp arena

/way Northern Barrens 48.54 59.27 The Crossroads
/way Thousand Needles 77.09 75.63 Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge
/way Felwood 37.7 52.9 Jaedenar
/way Silithus 30.8 13.12 Crystal Vale

/way Tanaris 37.2 79.0 Valley of the Watchers (Outside of Uldum)
/way Ashenvale 35.4 48.9 Astranaar
/way Durotar 53.1 43.5 Razor Hill
/way Azshara 64.7 79.4 Ravencrest Monument

/way Thousand Needles 46.3 51.0 Freewind Post
/way Darkshore 49.5 18.9 (Lor'danel)
/way Winterspring 59.69 49.93 Everlook
/way Un'Goro Crater 50.1 76.1 Slithering Scar
/way Northern Barrens 68.4 69.9 Ratchet

Elders of Eastern Kingdoms (17)
/way Blasted Lands 54.24 49.62 Dark Portal
/way Burning Steppes 64.2 24.0 Flame Crest
/way Dun Morogh 46.7 51.4 Kharanos
/way Tirisfal Glades 61.7 53. Brill

/way The Hinterlands 49.9 47.9 Creeping Ruin
/way Searing Gorge 21.1 78.8 Blackchar Cave
/way Western Plaguelands 63.5 36.1 Inside of The Weeping Cave
/way Western Plaguelands 69.0 73.0 Outside of Scholomance (upstairs)

/way Silverpine Forest 44.8 41.1 The Sepulcher
/way Burning Steppes 70.45 45.26 Dreadmaul Rock
/way Loch Modan 33.0 46.5 Thelsamar
/way Westfall 56.6 47.0 Sentinel Hill

/way Eastern Plaguelands 75.7 54.6 Light's Hope Chapel
/way Northern Stranglethorn 71.1 34.26 Zul'Gurub
/way Elwynn Forest 39.6 63.5 Goldshire
/way Eastern Plaguelands 35.6 68.8 Crown Guard Tower
/way Northern Stranglethorn 40.0 72.46 Booty Bay

Elders of Northrend (18 )
/way Borean Tundra 57.3 43.7 D.E.H.T.A.
/way Grizzly Hills 60.6 27.7 Westfall Brigade Encampment
/way Wintergrasp 49.0 13.9 Wintergrasp Fortress
/way The Storm Peaks 28.9 73.7 Frosthold

/way The Storm Peaks 41.2 84.7 K3
/way Grizzly Hills 80.5 37.1 Ruins of Tethys
/way Dragonblight 29.7 55.9 Star's Rest
/way The Storm Peaks 64.6 51.3 Camp Tunka'lo

/way Borean Tundra 33.8 34.4 Transitus Shield
/way Borean Tundra 42.9 49.6 Warsong Hold
/way Sholazar Basin 49.8 63.0 River's Heart
/way Borean Tundra 59.1 65.6 Valiance Keep
/way Dragonblight 35.1 48.3 Agmar's Hammer

/way The Storm Peaks 31.3 37.6 Bouldercrag's Refuge
/way Zul'Drak 58.9 56.0 Zim'Torga
/way Dragonblight 48.8 78.2 Moa'ki Harbor
/way Sholazar Basin 63.8 49.0 Rainspeaker Rapids
/way Grizzly Hills 64.2 47.0 Camp Oneqwah

Elders of the Alliance (3)
These elders are located in Alliance capital cities.
/way Ironforge 28.1 17.0 Mystic Ward
/way Stormwind City 34.54 50.29 Elwynn Forest (before the Gates of Stormwind)
/way Darnassus 39.32 31.73 Cenarion Enclave

Elders of the Horde (3)
These elders are located in Horde capital cities.
/way Undercity 66.59 38.39 Ruins of Lordaeron (outside)
/way Orgrimmar 52.30 59.96 The Drag (On top)
/way Thunder Bluff 72.2 23.5 Elder Rise

this is how it looks ingame: (little green dots)

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