The Transmogrifier NPC, which will let you change the appearance of any armor piece on you, while retaining the stats of your current gear.
(= T12 stats, but with the Tier 2 look!)
So, i thought im gonna make a HUGE Sets (tier sets, dungeonsets, pvp sets and more) Complication.
Which Sets can i expect here? And for every class?
Yes, here are Pictures for almost every class & the following Sets:
Tier 1: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Tier 2: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Tier 3: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Tier 4: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Schaman Paladin Warrior
Tier 5: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Tier 6: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Tier 7 10man: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior Death Knight
Tier 7 25man: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior Death Knight
Tier 8 10man: Mage Hunter Death Knight
Tier 8 25man: Mage Hunter Death Knight
Tier 9 Ally/Horde: Mage Hunter Death Knight
Tier 10: Hunter Death Knight
Tier 11:
Season 1: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Season 2: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Season 3: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Season 4: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Season 5: Hatefull Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior Death Knight
Season 5: Savage Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior Death Knight
Season 5: Deadly Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior Death Knight
AQ40 Set: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Rare PvP Set: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Zul Gurub Set: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Dungeonset 1: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Dungeonset 2: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Dungeonset 3: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Dungeonset 3B: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Arathi Basin Set: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Lv70 Epic PvP Set: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Cenarion Circle Set: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Burning Crusade Faction Set: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
Random Burning Crusade Dungeon Items: Mage Warlock Priest Druid Rogue Hunter Shaman Paladin Warrior
(They actually arent sets, but they are looking like one)
Shortcut to Wowwiki (click on the classname):
Death Knight
Dungeon Set 1, Magister's Regalia
Dungeon Set 2, Sorcerer's Regalia
TBC Dungeon Set 3a, Incanter's Regalia
TBC Dungeon Set 3b, Mana-Etched Regalia
Tier 1, Arcanist Regalia
Tier 2, Netherwind Regalia
Tier 3, Frostfire Regalia
TBC Tier 4, Aldor Regalia
TBC Tier 5, Tirisfal Regalia
TBC Tier 6, Tempest Regalia
WotLK Tier 7 (10-Man), Heroes' Frostfire Garb
WotLK Tier 7 (25-Man), Valorous Frostfire Garb
WotLK Tier 8 (10-Man), Valorous Kirin Tor Garb
WotLK Tier 8 (25-Man), Conqueror's Kirin Tor Garb
WotLK Tier 9, Alliance Khadgar's Regalia set, Horde Sunstrider's Regalia set
Zandalar Tribe set, Illusionist's Attire
Cenarion Circle set, Trappings of Vaulted Secrets
Brood of Nozdormu set, Enigma Vestments
TBC Burning Crusade faction set, Evoker's Silk Battlegear
Arathi Basin, The Highlander's Intent
PvP-Rare, Lieutenant Commander's Arcanum
PvP-Epic, Field Marshal's Regalia
TBC PvP Level 70, Grand Marshal's Regalia
Arathi Basin, The Defiler's Intent
PvP-Rare, Champion's Arcanum
PvP-Epic, Warlord's Regalia
TBC PvP Level 70, High Warlord's Regalia
TBC Arena Reward Season 1, Gladiator's Regalia
TBC Arena Reward Season 2, Merciless Gladiator's Regalia
TBC Arena Reward Season 3, Vengeful Gladiator's Regalia
WotLK Arena Reward Season 4, Brutal Gladiator's Regalia
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Savage Gladiator's Regalia
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Hateful Gladiator's Regalia
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Deadly Gladiator's Regalia
TBCBlue Magister's Regalia - Geared toward 60-66 level mages. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCRed Arcanist's Regalia - Geared toward 68-70 level mages. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCGray Arcanist's Regalia - Geared toward level 70 mages. From advanced tailoring and drops in Outland raids.
TBCPink Netherwind Regalia - Geared toward 68-70 mages. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCOrange Tirisfal Regalia - Geared toward 70 mages. Drops in various Outland raid dungeons.
Dungeon Set 1, Dreadmist Raiment
Dungeon Set 2, Deathmist Raiment
TBC Dungeon Set 3a, Oblivion Raiment
TBC Dungeon Set 3b, Mana-Etched Regalia
Tier 1, Felheart Raiment
Tier 2, Nemesis Raiment
Tier 3, Plagueheart Raiment (Removed)
TBC Tier 4, Voidheart Raiment
TBC Tier 5, Corruptor Raiment
TBC Tier 6, Malefic Raiment
WotLK Tier 7 (10-man) Heroes' Plagueheart Garb
WotLK Tier 7 (25-man) Valorous Plagueheart Garb
Zandalar Tribe set, Demoniac's Threads
Cenarion Circle set, Implements of Unspoken Names
Brood of Nozdormu set, Doomcaller's Attire
TBC Burning Crusade faction set, Dreadweave Battlegear
Arathi Basin, The Highlander's Intent
PvP-Rare, Lieutenant Commander's Dreadgear
PvP-Epic, Field Marshal's Threads
TBC PvP Level 70, Grand Marshal's Dreadgear
Arathi Basin, The Defiler's Intent
PvP-Rare, Champion's Dreadgear
PvP-Epic, Warlord's Threads
TBC PvP Level 70, High Warlord's Dreadgear
TBC Arena Reward Season 1, Gladiator's Dreadgear, Gladiator's Felshroud
TBC Arena Reward Season 2, Merciless Gladiator's Dreadgear, Merciless Gladiator's Felshroud
TBC Arena Reward Season 3, Vengeful Gladiator's Dreadgear, Vengeful Gladiator's Felshroud
WotLK Arena Reward Season 4, Brutal Gladiator's Dreadgear, Brutal Gladiator's Felshroud
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Savage Gladiator's Felshroud
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Hateful Gladiator's Felshroud
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Deadly Gladiator's Felshroud
TBCRed Nemesis Raiment - Geared toward 68-70 warlocks. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBC Green Corruptor Raiment - Geared toward 70 warlocks. Drops in Serpentshrine Cavern.
Dungeon Set 1, Vestments of the Devout
Dungeon Set 2, Vestments of the Virtuous
TBC Dungeon Set 3a, Hallowed Raiment
TBC Dungeon Set 3b, Mana-Etched Regalia
Tier 1, Vestments of Prophecy
Tier 2, Vestments of Transcendence
Tier 3, Vestments of Faith
TBC Tier 4, Incarnate Armor
TBC Tier 5, Avatar Armor
TBC Tier 6, Absolution Armor
WotLK Tier 7 (10-man), Heroes' Regalia of Faith, Garb of Faith
WotLK Tier 7 (25-man), Valorous Regalia of Faith, Garb of Faith
Zandalar Tribe set, Confessor's Raiment
Cenarion Circle set, Finery of Infinite Wisdom
Brood of Nozdormu set, Garments of the Oracle
TBC Burning Crusade faction set, Mooncloth Battlegear
Arathi Basin, The Highlander's Intent
PvP-Rare, Lieutenant Commander's Investiture
PvP-Epic, Field Marshal's Raiment
TBC PvP Level 70, Grand Marshal's Investiture
Arathi Basin, The Defiler's Intent
PvP-Rare, Champion's Investiture
PvP-Epic, Warlord's Raiment
TBC Arena Reward Season 1, Gladiator's Investiture
TBC Arena Reward Season 2, Merciless Gladiator's Investiture
TBC Arena Reward Season 3, Vengeful Gladiator's Investiture
TBC Arena Reward Season 4, Brutal Gladiator's Investiture
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Savage Gladiator's Investiture
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Hateful Gladiator's Investiture
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Deadly Gladiator's Investiture
TBCBlue Vestments of the Devout - Geared toward 60-66 level priests. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCBlue Vestments of Prophecy - Geared toward 70 level priests. Crafted from Tailors.
TBCPurple Vestments of Transcendence - Geared toward 68-70 priests. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCWhite Absolution Regalia - Geared toward level 70 priests. Drops in Outland raids.
Dungeon Set 1, Wildheart Raiment
Dungeon Set 2, Feralheart Raiment
TBC Dungeon Set 3a, Moonglade Raiment
TBC Dungeon Set 3b, Wastewalker Armor
Tier 1, Cenarion Raiment
Tier 2, Stormrage Raiment
Tier 3, Dreamwalker Raiment
TBC Tier 4, Malorne Armor
TBC Tier 5, Nordrassil Armor
TBC Tier 6, Thunderheart Armor
WotLK Tier 7 (10-man), Heroes' Dreamwalker Regalia, Garb, Battlegear
WotLK Tier 7 (25-man), Valorous Dreamwalker Regalia, Garb, Battlegear
Zandalar Tribe set, Haruspex's Garb
Cenarion Circle set, Symbols of Unending Life
Brood of Nozdormu set, Genesis Raiment
TBC Burning Crusade faction set, Dragonhide Battlegear
Arathi Basin, The Highlander's Purpose
PvP-Rare, Lieutenant Commander's Refuge
PvP-Epic, Field Marshal's Sanctuary
TBC PvP Level 70, Grand Marshal's Refuge
Arathi Basin, The Defiler's Purpose
PvP-Rare, Champion's Sanctuary
PvP-Epic, Warlord's Sanctuary
TBC PvP Level 70, High Warlord's Refuge
TBC Arena Reward Season 1, Gladiator's Refuge
TBC Arena Reward Season 2, Merciless Gladiator's Refuge
TBC Arena Reward Season 3, Vengeful Gladiator's Refuge
TBC Arena Reward Season 4, Brutal Gladiator's Refuge
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Savage Gladiator's Refuge
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Hateful Gladiator's Refuge
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Deadly Gladiator's Refuge
TBCBlue Wildheart Raiment - Geared toward 60-66 level druids. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCYellow Cenarion Raiment - Geared toward 68-70 level Restoration druids. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCBlue Stormrage Raiment - Geared toward 68-70 Balance druids. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
Dungeon Set 1, Shadowcraft Armor
Dungeon Set 2, Darkmantle Armor
TBC Dungeon Set 3a, Assassination Armor
TBC Dungeon Set 3b, Wastewalker Armor
Tier 1, Nightslayer Armor
Tier 2, Bloodfang Armor
Tier 3, Bonescythe Armor
TBC Tier 4, Netherblade
TBC Tier 5, Deathmantle
TBC Tier 6, Slayer's Armor
WotLK Tier 7 (10-man), Heroes' Bonescythe Battlegear
WotLK Tier 7 (25-man), Valorous Bonescythe Battlegear
Zandalar Tribe set, Madcap's Outfit
Cenarion Circle set, Emblems of Veiled Shadows
Brood of Nozdormu set, Deathdealer's Embrace
TBC Burning Crusade faction set, Opportunist's Battlegear
Arathi Basin, The Highlander's Purpose
PvP-Rare, Lieutenant Commander's Guard
PvP-Epic, Field Marshal's Vestments
TBC PvP-70, Grand Marshal's Vestments
Arathi Basin, The Defiler's Purpose
PvP-Rare, Champion's Guard
PvP-Epic, Warlord's Vestments
TBC PvP-70, High Warlord's Vestments
TBC Arena Reward Season 1, Gladiator's Vestments
TBC Arena Reward Season 2, Merciless Gladiator's Vestments
TBC Arena Reward Season 3, Vengeful Gladiator's Vestments
WotLK Arena Reward Season 4, Brutal Gladiator's Vestments
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Savage Gladiator's Vestments
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Hateful Gladiator's Vestments
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Deadly Gladiator's Vestments
TBCPurple Shadowcraft Armor - Geared toward 60-66 level rogues. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCYellow Nightslayer Armor - Geared toward 68-70 level rogues. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCBlue Bloodfang Armor - Geared toward 68-70 rogues. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCMaroon Bloodfang Armor - Geared toward 70 raid level rogues. Drops in level 70 Raid dungeons.
Dungeon Set 1, Beaststalker Armor
Dungeon Set 2, Beastmaster Armor
TBC Dungeon Set 3a, Beast Lord Armor
TBC Dungeon Set 3b, Desolation Battlegear
Tier 1, Giantstalker Armor
Tier 2, Dragonstalker Armor
Tier 3, Cryptstalker Armor
TBC Tier 4, Demon Stalker Armor
TBC Tier 5, Rift Stalker Armor
TBC Tier 6, Gronnstalker's Armor
WotLK Tier 7 (10-Man), Heroes' Cryptstalker Battlegear
WotLK Tier 7 (25-Man), Valorous Cryptstalker Battlegear
WotLK Tier 8 (10-Man), Valorous Scourgestalker Battlegear
WotLK Tier 8 (25-Man), Conqueror's Scourgestalker Battlegear
WotLK Tier 9, Alliance Windrunner's Battlegear set,
WotLK Tier 9, Horde Windrunner's Pursuit set
WotLK Tier 10, Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Battlegear
Zandalar Tribe set, Predator's Armor
Cenarion Circle set, Trappings of the Unseen Path
Brood of Nozdormu set, Striker's Garb
TBC Burning Crusade faction set, Stalker's Chain Battlegear
Arathi Basin, The Highlander's Determination
PvP-Rare, Lieutenant Commander's Pursuance
PvP-Epic, Field Marshal's Pursuit
TBC PvP Level 70, Grand Marshal's Pursuit
Arathi Basin, The Defiler's Fortitude
PvP-Rare, Champion's Pursuance
PvP-Epic, Warlord's Pursuit
TBC PvP Level 70, High Warlord's Pursuit
TBC Arena Reward Season 1, Gladiator's Pursuit
TBC Arena Reward Season 2, Merciless Gladiator's Pursuit
TBC Arena Reward Season 3, Vengeful Gladiator's Pursuit
TBC Arena Reward Season 4, Brutal Gladiator's Pursuit
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Savage Gladiator's Pursuit
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Hateful Gladiator's Pursuit
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Deadly Gladiator's Pursuit
TBCRed Beaststalker Armor - Geared toward 60-66 level hunters. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCYellow Giantstalker Armor - Geared toward 68-70 level hunters. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCMaroon Dragonstalker Armor - Geared toward 68-70 hunters. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCGray Beast Lord Armor - Geared toward 70 raid level hunters. Drops in various level 70 Raids.
TBCBrown Rift Stalker Armor - Geared toward 70 raid level hunters. Drops in various level 70 Raids.
Dungeon Set 1, The Elements
Dungeon Set 2, The Five Thunders
TBC Dungeon Set 3a, Tidefury Raiment
TBC Dungeon Set 3b, Desolation Battlegear
Tier 1, The Earthfury
Tier 2, The Ten Storms
Tier 3, The Earthshatterer
TBC Tier 4, Cyclone Harness
TBC Tier 5, Cataclysm Harness
TBC Tier 6, Skyshatter Harness
WotLK Tier 7 (10-Man), Heroes' Earthshatter Regalia
WotLK Tier 7 (25-Man), Valorous Earthshatter Regalia
Zandalar Tribe set, Augur's Regalia
Cenarion Circle set, Gift of the Gathering Storm
Brood of Nozdormu set, Stormcaller's Garb
TBC Burning Crusade faction set, Seer's Linked Battlegear
Arathi Basin, The Highlander's Determination
PvP-Rare, Lieutenant Commander's Earthshaker
PvP-Epic, Field Marshal's Earthshaker
TBC PvP Level 70, Grand Marshal's Earthshaker
Arathi Basin, The Defiler's Fortitude
PvP-Rare, Champion's Stormcaller
PvP-Epic, Warlord's Earthshaker
TBC PvP Level 70, High Warlord's Earthshaker
TBC Arena Reward Season 1, Gladiator's Earthshaker
TBC Arena Reward Season 2, Merciless Gladiator's Earthshaker
TBC Arena Reward Season 3, Vengeful Gladiator's Earthshaker
TBC Arena Reward Season 4, Brutal Gladiator's Earthshaker
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5,Savage Gladiator's Earthshaker
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Hateful Gladiator's Earthshaker
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Deadly Gladiator's Earthshaker
TBCTeal Elements Armor - Geared toward 60-66 level shamans. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCBlack Earthfury Armor - Geared toward 68-70 level Elemental shamans. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCPurple Ten Storms Armor - Geared toward 68-70 Resto shamans. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCBrown Skyshatter Armor - Geared toward 70 level Resto/Elemental shamans. Drops in Outland raids.
Dungeon Set 1, Lightforge Armor
Dungeon Set 2, Soulforge Armor
TBC Dungeon Set 3a, Righteous Armor
TBC Dungeon Set 3b, Doomplate Battlegear
Tier 1, Lawbringer Armor
Tier 2, Judgement Armor
Tier 3, Redemption Armor
TBC Tier 4, Justicar Armor, Battlegear, Raiment
TBC Tier 5, Crystalforge Armor, Battlegear, Raiment
TBC Tier 6, Lightbringer Armor, Battlegear, Raiment
WotLK Tier 7 (10-man), Heroes' Redemption Plate, Battlegear, Regalia
WotLK Tier 7 (25-man), Valorous Redemption Plate, Battlegear, Regalia
Zandalar Tribe set, Freethinker's Armor
Cenarion Circle set, Battlegear of Eternal Justice
Brood of Nozdormu set, Avenger's Battlegear
TBC Burning Crusade faction set, Crusader's Ornamented Battlegear
Arathi Basin, The Highlander's Resolution
PvP-Rare, Lieutenant Commander's Redoubt
PvP-Epic, Field Marshal's Aegis
TBC PvP Level 70, Grand Marshal's Aegis
Arathi Basin, The Defiler's Resolution
PvP-Rare, Champion's Redoubt
PvP-Epic, Warlord's Aegis
TBC PvP Level 70, High Warlord's Aegis
TBC Arena Reward Season 1, Gladiator's Aegis
TBC Arena Reward Season 2, Merciless Gladiator's Aegis
TBC Arena Reward Season 3, Vengeful Gladiator's Aegis
TBC Arena Reward Season 4, Brutal Gladiator's Aegis
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Savage Gladiator's Redemption
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Hateful Gladiator's Redemption
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Deadly Gladiator's Redemption
TBCBlue Lightforge Armor - Geared toward 60-66 level paladins. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCRed Lawbringer Armor - Geared toward 68-70 level Retribution paladins. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCPurple Judgement Armor - Geared toward 68-70 Holy paladins. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCRighteous Lookalike Armor - Geared toward 70 level Raid Holy paladins. Drops in Karazhan.
Dungeon Set 1, Battlegear of Valor
Dungeon Set 2, Battlegear of Heroism
TBC Dungeon Set 3a, Bold Armor
TBC Dungeon Set 3b, Doomplate Battlegear
Tier 1 Battlegear of Might
Tier 2 Battlegear of Wrath
Tier 3 Dreadnaught's Battlegear
TBC Tier 4 Warbringer Armor
TBC Tier 5 Destroyer Armor
TBC Tier 6 Onslaught Armor
WotLK Tier 7 (10-man) Heroes' Dreadnaught Plate
WotLK Tier 7 (25-man) Valorous Dreadnaught Plate
Zandalar Tribe set, Vindicator's Battlegear
Cenarion Circle set, Battlegear of Unyielding Strength
Brood of Nozdormu set, Conqueror's Battlegear
TBC Burning Crusade faction set, Savage Plate Battlegear
Arathi Basin, The Highlander's Resolution
PvP-Rare, Lieutenant Commander's Battlearmor
PvP-Epic, Field Marshal's Battlegear
TBC PvP Level 70, Grand Marshal's Battlegear
Arathi Basin, The Defiler's Resolution
PvP-Rare, Champion's Battlearmor
PvP-Epic, Warlord's Battlegear
TBC PvP Level 70, High Warlord's Battegear
TBC Arena Reward Season 1, Gladiator's Battlegear
TBC Arena Reward Season 2, Merciless Gladiator's Battlegear
TBC Arena Reward Season 3, Vengeful Gladiator's Battlegear
WotLK Arena Reward Season 4, Brutal Gladiator's Battlegear
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Savage Gladiator's Battlegear
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Hateful Gladiator's Battlegear
WotLK Arena Reward Season 5, Deadly Gladiator's Battlegear
TBCBrown Battlegear of Valor - Geared toward 60-66 level warriors. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCRed Battlegear of Might - Geared toward 68-70 level DPS warriors. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCGreen Battlegear of Wrath - Geared toward 68-70 Protection warriors. Drops in various Outland dungeons.
TBCGreen Destroyer Armor - Geared toward 70 level Raid DPS warriors. Drops in various 70 raids.
TBCMaroon Bold Armor - Geared toward 70 level Raid Protection warriors. Drops in Karazhan.
Death Knight
WotLK Tier 7 (10-man), Heroes' Scourgeborne Battlegear
WotLK Tier 7 (25-man), Valorous Scourgeborne Battlegear
WotLK Tier 8 (10-man), Valorous Darkruned Battlegear
WotLK Tier 8 (25-man), Conqueror's Darkruned Battlegear
WotLK Tier 9, Alliance Thassarian's Battlegear set
WotLK Tier 9, Horde Koltira's Battlegear set
WotLK Tier 10, Scourgelord's Battlegear
Savage Gladiator's Desecration
Hateful Gladiator's Desecration
Deadly Gladiator's Desecration
How to earn each Set:
The items that form those sets are found in the lvl 58-60 instances (Stratholme, Scholomance, and Blackrock Spire (upper and lower). The items can no longer be acquired.
The items that form these sets are quest rewards. The quests require, among other things, items from the Dungeon Set 1. You had do to about 40Quests to upgrade D1 into D2. The items can no longer be acquired.
The items that form these sets are found in the lvl 68-70 Instances (Shattered halls, The Steamvault, Sethekk Halls, Shadow Labyrinth, Botanica, Mechanar, Arcatraz, and Black Morass).
Tier 1:
Tier 1 is type of item set which consists of eight pieces. The items that form those sets are found in the Molten Core.
Slot|Dropped by|BOP or BOE
Belt | Trash Mobs | BoE
Bracers | Trash Mobs | BoE
Boots | Lucifron | BoP
Gloves | Shazzrah | BoP
Headpiece | Garr | BoP
Legs | Magmadar | BoP
Shoulders- | Baron Geddon | BoP
Chestpiece | Golemagg The Incinerator | BoP
Tier 2 is type of item set which consists of eight pieces. The items that form those sets are found in the Black Wing Lair apparat from the Legs. Those are dropping in Molten Core from Ragnaros.
Slot | Dropped by
Bracers | Razorgore the Untamed
Belt | Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Boots | Broodlord Lashlayer
Gloves | Firemaw, Flamegor and Ebonroc
Shoulders | Chromaggus
Chestpiece | Nefarian
Headpiece | Nefarian
Pants | Ragnaros
Tier 3 is a type of armor set. Each set consists of 9 pieces. The items can no longer be acquired.
Tier 4 is a type of item set. Each set consist of 5 pieces. Each piece is purchased by acquiring an armor token "the Fallen" from defeating a Burning Crusade raid boss.
Slot | Itemname | Dropped by | Droplocation
Chest | Chestguard of the Fallen Hero | Magtheridon | Magtheridon's Lair
Head | Helm of the Fallen Hero | Prince Malchezaar | Karazhan
Hands | Gloves of the Fallen Hero | The Curator | Karazhan
Legs | Leggings of the Fallen Hero | Gruul the Dragonkiller | Gruul's Lair
Shoulders | Pauldrons of the Fallen Hero | High King Maulgar | Gruul's Lair
Tier 5 is a type of item set. Each set consist of 5 pieces. Each piece is purchased by acquiring an armor token from defeating a Burning Crusade raid boss.
Slot | Itemname | Dropped by | Droplocation
Head | Helm of the Vanquished Hero | Lady Vashj | erpentshrine Cavern
Hands | Gloves of the Vanquished Hero | Leotheras the Blind | Serpentshrine Cavern
Legs | Leggings of the Vanquished Hero |Fathom-Lord Karathress| Serpentshrine Cavern
Shoulders | Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero | Void Reaver | Eye (Tempest Keep)
Chest | Chestguard of the Vanquished Hero | Kael'thas Sunstrider | Eye (Tempest Keep)
Tier 6 is a type of item set. Each set consists of 8 pieces.
Each piece is purchased by acquiring an armor token from defeating a Burning Crusade raid boss.
Slot | Itemname | Dropped by | Droplocation
Head | Helm of the Forgotten Protector | Archimonde | Battle for Mount Hyjal
Hands | Gloves of the Forgotten Protector | Azgalor | Battle for Mount Hyjal
Legs | Leggings of the Forgotten Protector | Illidari Council | Black Temple
Shoulders | Pauldrons of the Forgotten Protector | Mother Shahraz | Black Temple
Chest | Chestguard of the Forgotten Protector | Illidan Stormrage | Black Temple
Wrist | Bracers of the Forgotten Protector | Kalecgos | Sunwell Plateau
Waist | Belt of the Forgotten Protector | Brutallus | Sunwell Plateau
Feet | Boots of the Forgotten Protector | Felmyst | Sunwell Plateau
Tier 7 is a type of item set. Each set consists of 5 pieces.
Slot | Itemname | Dropped by | Droplocation
Head | Helm_of_the_Lost_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Kel'Thuzad | Naxxramas
Hands | Gloves_of_the_Lost_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Sartharion | Obsidian Sanctum
Legs| Leggings_of_the_Lost_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Gluth,Thaddius | Naxxramas
Shoulders | Spaulders_of_the_Lost_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Gluth,Loatheb | Naxxramas
Chest | Chestguard_of_the_Lost_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Gluth,Four Horsemen | Naxxramas
Slot | Itemname | Dropped by | Droplocation
Head | Crown_of_the_Lost_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Kel'Thuzad | Naxxramas
Hands | Gauntlets_of_the_Lost_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Sartharion | Obsidian Sanctum
Legs | Legplates_of_the_Lost_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Gluth,Thaddius | Naxxramas
Shoulders | Mantle_of_the_Lost_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Gluth,Loatheb | Naxxramas
Chest | Breastplate_of_the_Lost_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Gluth,Four Horsemen | Naxxramas
Tier 8 is a type of item set. Each consist of five pieces.
Slot | Itemname | Dropped by | Droplocation
Head | Helm_of_the_Wayward_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Mimiron
Hands | Gloves_of_the_Wayward_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Freya
Legs | Leggings_of_the_Wayward_Protector/Vanquisher /Conqueror| Hodir
Shoulders | Spaulders_of_the_Wayward_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Thorim
Chest | Chestguard_of_the_Wayward_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Yogg-Saron
Slot | Itemname | Dropped by | Droplocation
Head | Crown_of_the_Wayward_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Thorim
Hands | Gauntlets_of_the_Wayward_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Mimiron
Legs | Legplates_of_the_Wayward_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Freya
Shoulders | Mantle_of_the_Wayward_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Yogg-Saron
Chest | Breastplate_of_the_Wayward_Protector/Vanquisher/Conqueror | Hodir
Each set consists of five pieces. In contrast to tier 7 and tier 8, there are three levels of tier 9 instead of the usual two.
Slot | Cost | Droplocation
Head(itemlevel: 232)| 591Justice Points | Head(itemlevel: 245) | 1196Justice Points | Head(itemlevel: 258) | Anub Heroic (25man)
Shoulder(itemlevel: 232)| 478Justice Points | Shoulder(itemlevel: 245) | 717Justice Points | Shoulder(itemlevel: 258) | Anub Heroic (25man)
Chest(itemlevel: 232) | 591Justice Points | Chest(itemlevel: 245) | 1196Justice Points | Chest(itemlevel: 258) | Anub Heroic (25man)
Hands(itemlevel: 232)| 478Justice Points | Hands(itemlevel: 245) | 717Justice Points | Hands(itemlevel: 258) | Anub Heroic (25man)
Legs (itemlevel: 232) | 591Justice Points | Legs(itemlevel: 245) | 1196Justice Points | Legs(itemlevel: 258) | Anub Heroic (25man)
Each set consists of five pieces. Tier 10 has three ranks.
Slot | Cost | Itemname
Head(itemlevel: 251) | 1100Justice Points | Head(itemlevel: 264) | Mark_of_Sanctification | Head(itemlevel: 277) | Mark_of_Sanctification(heroic)
Shoulder(itemlevel: 251) | 695Justice Points | Shoulder(itemlevel: 264) | Mark_of_Sanctification | Shoulder(itemlevel: 277) | Mark_of_Sanctification(heroic)
Chest(itemlevel: 251) | 1100Justice Points | Chest(itemlevel: 264) |Mark_of_Sanctification | Chest(itemlevel: 277) | Mark_of_Sanctification(heroic)
Hands(itemlevel: 251) | 695Justice Points | Hands(itemlevel: 264) | Mark_of_Sanctification | Hands(itemlevel: 277) | Mark_of_Sanctification(heroic)
Legs (itemlevel: 251) | 1100Justice Points | Legs(itemlevel: 264) |Mark_of_Sanctification | Legs(itemlevel: 277) | Mark_of_Sanctification(heroic)
Each set consists of five pieces. Tier 11 has two ranks.
Slot | Cost | Itemname | Dropped by | Droplocation
Head(itemlevel359) | - | Helm of the Forlorn Vanquisher/Protector/Conqueror | Nefarian/Al'Akir| - Blackwing Descent /Thron of the four winds
Shoulder(itemlevel359) | -| Shoulder of the Forlorn Vanquisher/Protector/Conqueror| Chogall/Al'Akir | Bastion of Twilight/Thron of the four winds
Chest(itemlevel359)| 2200Justice Points| - | - | Justicepointguy
Hands(itemlevel359)| 1650Justice Points| - |- | Justicepointguy
Legs(itemlevel359)| 2200Justice Points| - | -| Justicepointguy
Slot | Itemname | Dropped by| Droplocation
Head(itemlevel372) | Crown of the Forlorn Vanquisher/Protector/Conqueror | Nefarian Heroic/Al'akir heroic | Blackwing Descent /Thron of the four winds
Shoulder(itemlevel372) | Shoulders of the Forlorn Vanquisher/Protector/Conqueror | Chogall Heroic/Al'Akir heroic | Bastion of Twilight/Thron of the four winds
Chest(itemlevel372) | Chest of the Forlorn Vanquisher/Protector/Conqueror | Halfus heroic | Bastion of Twilight
Hands(itemlevel372) | Gauntlets of the Forlorn Vanquisher/Protector/Conqueror | magmaw heroic | Blackwing Descent
Legs(itemlevel372) | Leggings of the Forlorn Vanquisher/Protector/Conqueror | Maloriak heroic | Blackwing Descent
Three out of five items that form these sets are quest rewards. The quests require, among other things, token drops from bosses in Zul'Gurub. Reputation with the Zandalar Tribe is also required.
No longer available.
Cenarion Circle set is a type of item set. Each set consist of 3 pieces. The Items that form those sets are quest rewards. The quests require, among other things, token drops from bosses in the Ruins of Ahn'Quiraj. Reputation with the Cenarion Circle is also required.
The Brood of Nozdormu set is a type of item set. Each set consist of 5 pieces.
The Items that form those sets are quest rewards. The quests require, among other things, token drops from bosses in the Temple of Ahn'Quiraj. Reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu is also required.
The token for the boots and shoulders of each set drops from Viscidus and Princess Huhuran.
The token for the headpiece of each set drops from Emperor Vek'lor or Emperor Vek'nilash.
The token for the pants of each set drops from Ouro.
The token for the chest piece of each set drops from C'thun.
Each piece can be purchased from various faction Burning Crusade vendors upon reaching honored reputation.
PvP-Rare is a type of item set. Each set consist of 6 pieces.
The Items that form those sets are purchaseable for Honor Points and Marks of Honor in Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
Arathi Basin
Arathi Basin is a type of item set. Each set consist of 3 pieces.
The Items that form those sets are purchaseable for Honor Points and Marks of Honor in Arathi Highlands.
Lv70 Epic Pvp Set
Lv70 Epic Pvp Set is a type of item set. Each set consist of 5 pieces. The items can no longer be acquired.
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