Well people tend to be lazy, so lets think a way to exploit it...
well cooking is a pain in the ass to lvl, and with winters veil and the "hot apple cider" there everybody is trying to get their cooking up.
What you do is provide the mats and recipe's for them. It takes about 1-2 hours to farm them and the "packs" sell for over 2500g on my realm. Already sold 5 of them. We're not going to use fish, cause its annoying. The mats are for horde only, didn't feel like making and alliance one. One thing which is a great help in farming these mats is having a lot of FP's cause you'll be running around a lot!!
What do you put in the packs:
29 Simple Flour
29 Mild Spices
Just buy these from the vendor.
10 Boar Meat
Quick and easy farm right outside Orgrimmar .
40 Bear Meat
1 Recipe: Smoked Bear Meat
The bears can be found in Silverpine forrest, the recipe is sold by Andrew Hilbert
10 Bat Flesh
1 Recipe: Bat Bites
The bats can be found in ghostlands, the recipe is sold by Master Chef Mouldier
43 Dig Rat
Can be farmed at Bael Modan, you should also include a mail which directs them to the Questgiver in The Barrens Grub
To add the mail, you let an alt send it to you and you just make a permanent copy of the letter and add it
1 Expert Cookbook
Can be bought from Shandrina in Shadowprey Village
50 Lion Meat
50 Hot Spices
1 Recipe: Hot Lion Chops
The lion meat you should gather just above Tarren Mill, the recipe can be bought from Zargh in Crossroads
40 Raptor Flesh
40 Hot Spices
1 Recipe: Roast Raptor
You can get the flesh outside Grom'gol, and the recipe inside from Nerrist
30 White Spider Meat
Great farm spot right outside Brackenwall Village, the recipe is available from any cooking trainer
12 Giant Eggs
10 Zesty Clam Meat
20 Alterac Swiss
Giant eggs, in Hinterlands from any Owlbeast
Zesty Clam Meat, in Tanaris from the turtles at Steamwheedle Port
Alterac Swiss, can be bought from a lot of vendors, I suggest just one on a zepplin
In the mail include questgiver Dirge Quikcleave
226-285 (here's where it gets tricky)
50 Giant Eggs
50 Tender Wolf Meat
150 Soothing Spices
1 Recipe: Monster Omelet
1 Recipe: Tender Wolf Meat
The eggs, again from any Owlbeast, but while your at it, kill the wolves around there aswell for the meat.
The recipes can be Bought from: Himmik in Everlook and Dirge Quikcleave in Gadgetzan
25 Sandworm Meat
25 Soothing Spices
These drop off, Dredge Chrushers and Strikers in Sillithus.
In the mail include the location of Calandrath and tell them to finish that questline
1 Master Cookbook
This can be bought from Baxter in Thrallmar
40 Ravager Flesh
1 Recipe: Ravager Dogs
The flesh can be farmed from the ravager in Hellfire Peninsula, the recipe can be bought from Cookie One-Eye
This was it, now your able to make "Hot Apple Cider"
Quick Summary:
29 Simple Flour
29 Mild Spices
10 Boar Meat
40 Bear Meat
1 Recipe: Smoked Bear Meat
10 Bat Flesh
1 Recipe: Bat Bites
43 Dig Rat
1 Exper Cookbook
50 Lion Meat
90 Hot Spices
1 Recipe: Hot Lion Chops
40 Raptor Flesh
1 Recipe: Roast Raptor
30 White Spider Meat
62 Giant Eggs
10 Zesty Clam Meat
20 Alterac Swiss
50 Tender Wolf Meat
175 Soothing Spices
1 Recipe: Monster Omelet
1 Recipe: Tender Wolf Meat
25 Sandworm Meat
1 Master Cookbook
40 Ravager Flesh
1 Recipe: Ravager Dogs
When you got all the mats, just go to dalaran and /2 WTS cooking pack 1-325, all the mats included!
and sell the **** out of it.
well cooking is a pain in the ass to lvl, and with winters veil and the "hot apple cider" there everybody is trying to get their cooking up.
What you do is provide the mats and recipe's for them. It takes about 1-2 hours to farm them and the "packs" sell for over 2500g on my realm. Already sold 5 of them. We're not going to use fish, cause its annoying. The mats are for horde only, didn't feel like making and alliance one. One thing which is a great help in farming these mats is having a lot of FP's cause you'll be running around a lot!!
What do you put in the packs:
29 Simple Flour
29 Mild Spices
Just buy these from the vendor.
10 Boar Meat
Quick and easy farm right outside Orgrimmar .
40 Bear Meat
1 Recipe: Smoked Bear Meat
The bears can be found in Silverpine forrest, the recipe is sold by Andrew Hilbert
10 Bat Flesh
1 Recipe: Bat Bites
The bats can be found in ghostlands, the recipe is sold by Master Chef Mouldier
43 Dig Rat
Can be farmed at Bael Modan, you should also include a mail which directs them to the Questgiver in The Barrens Grub
To add the mail, you let an alt send it to you and you just make a permanent copy of the letter and add it
1 Expert Cookbook
Can be bought from Shandrina in Shadowprey Village
50 Lion Meat
50 Hot Spices
1 Recipe: Hot Lion Chops
The lion meat you should gather just above Tarren Mill, the recipe can be bought from Zargh in Crossroads
40 Raptor Flesh
40 Hot Spices
1 Recipe: Roast Raptor
You can get the flesh outside Grom'gol, and the recipe inside from Nerrist
30 White Spider Meat
Great farm spot right outside Brackenwall Village, the recipe is available from any cooking trainer
12 Giant Eggs
10 Zesty Clam Meat
20 Alterac Swiss
Giant eggs, in Hinterlands from any Owlbeast
Zesty Clam Meat, in Tanaris from the turtles at Steamwheedle Port
Alterac Swiss, can be bought from a lot of vendors, I suggest just one on a zepplin
In the mail include questgiver Dirge Quikcleave
226-285 (here's where it gets tricky)
50 Giant Eggs
50 Tender Wolf Meat
150 Soothing Spices
1 Recipe: Monster Omelet
1 Recipe: Tender Wolf Meat
The eggs, again from any Owlbeast, but while your at it, kill the wolves around there aswell for the meat.
The recipes can be Bought from: Himmik in Everlook and Dirge Quikcleave in Gadgetzan
25 Sandworm Meat
25 Soothing Spices
These drop off, Dredge Chrushers and Strikers in Sillithus.
In the mail include the location of Calandrath and tell them to finish that questline
1 Master Cookbook
This can be bought from Baxter in Thrallmar
40 Ravager Flesh
1 Recipe: Ravager Dogs
The flesh can be farmed from the ravager in Hellfire Peninsula, the recipe can be bought from Cookie One-Eye
This was it, now your able to make "Hot Apple Cider"
Quick Summary:
29 Simple Flour
29 Mild Spices
10 Boar Meat
40 Bear Meat
1 Recipe: Smoked Bear Meat
10 Bat Flesh
1 Recipe: Bat Bites
43 Dig Rat
1 Exper Cookbook
50 Lion Meat
90 Hot Spices
1 Recipe: Hot Lion Chops
40 Raptor Flesh
1 Recipe: Roast Raptor
30 White Spider Meat
62 Giant Eggs
10 Zesty Clam Meat
20 Alterac Swiss
50 Tender Wolf Meat
175 Soothing Spices
1 Recipe: Monster Omelet
1 Recipe: Tender Wolf Meat
25 Sandworm Meat
1 Master Cookbook
40 Ravager Flesh
1 Recipe: Ravager Dogs
When you got all the mats, just go to dalaran and /2 WTS cooking pack 1-325, all the mats included!
and sell the **** out of it.
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