This exploit shows you how to change your model to any race or sex that is available for a character at this moment, below is a video showing exactly how to do this.
THIS WORKS ON ALL COMPUTERS. If you can't get it to work, you're not doing it right. Try the method below.
AutoIt script: Download
AutoIt software: Download
How To:
- Log in on alt.
- Log off.
- SELECT Main (or w/e toon you're going to play on)
- Mouse-over alt you just logged off.
- At the SAME TIME: Hit Enter and Left Click
- OR
- Hold down left click then:
- At the SAME TIME: Hit Enter and Release Left Click
- No need to make a new toon every time you want to do this model edit method.
- It DOES work with PREEXISTING toons.
- Druid Shapeshifting reset the model.
- It seems that this DOES reset from death in arena, but I'm not 100% sure.
- Priest Dispersion DOES reset the model.
- Any Costume (Halloween, Savory, Pygmy, etc) DOES reset the model.
- All Rings of the Kirin Tor that can teleport the user to Dalaran DO reset the model.
- EQUIPPED gear on the MODEL USED will transfer over to the CHARACTER USED.
- Some emotes will not be heard properly by others/yourself.
- Some animations (such as Cannibalize) will not properly work (usually you would get the nearest animation (in this case it would be as if you were looting a corpse)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- As such, unequip all gear before logging off, then you will get a blank character model (+undergarments) on your main toon so it will look normal.
- Unequipping your gear and then re-equipping it will fix the gear model edit bug also
- Whatever model is SWAPPED IN, size is kept. No resizing is done.
- Race/Sex does not matter when model changing
- Class/Race composition DOES NOT MATTER.
- Death Does NOT model
- Stealth Does NOT reset model
Model Swaps:
Tauren Rogue:----------Draenei Rogue:--------Tauren Mage:--------BE Druid---------------Human Hunter-------Undead Hunter
Human Rogue[W/shield]---NE Mage--------------Orc Mage------------Tauren Priest------------NE Lock-------------Human Shaman
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