Mining has always been the most profitable starting profession in World of warcraft for a few reasons. First, two different production professions need the materials from mining (it is now three with the addition of Jewelcrafting to the game).
To train in mining, you can generally find a trainer near your starting location. Most races have a mining trainer in the first small town they encounter after they leave their starting location; for those that don’t you can access one in your nearest city, which you should be safe to walk to right away (though you can be 100% safe if you are Level 5 or above).
Once you have trained your Apprentice Mining skills for 10c, you need to buy a mining pick, which should also be relatively cheap. In this World of Warcraft Mining Power leveling guide I also recommend you buy a new bag if you do not yet have a second one. Mining materials are hefty and can quickly fill up your main bag, making it hard to grind on mobs as well.
Basic Information
Use the following information as a basis for your decision whether to choose Mining as your primary profession. Additional money making tips for this profession are available below as well.
Use the following information as a basis for your decision whether to choose Mining as your primary profession. Additional money making tips for this profession are available below as well.
Recommended Profession to Pair With:
- Blacksmithing (for materials)
- Jewelcrafting (for materials)
- Engineering (for materials)
- Skinning (for gold)
With the exception of Skinning, all of the above professions require materials that you gather through mining. Pairing them will save you gold and time.

Alliance Trainers (1 - 300, including Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, and Artisan):
Alliance Trainers (1 - 300, including Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, and Artisan):
- Brock Stoneseeker – Loch Modan
- Dank Drizzlecut – Dun Morogh
- Dulvi - Azuremyst Isle Gelman
- Stonehand – Stormwind City
- Geofram Bouldertoe – Ironforge
- Hurnak Grimmord – Hellfire Peninsula
- Kurdram Stonehammer – Darkshore
- Matt Johnson – Duskwood
- Muaat – The Exodar
- Yarr Hammerstone – Dun Morogh
Master (300 - 375)
- Hurnak Grimmord
Grand Master (375 - 450)
- Fendrig Redbeard
- Grumbol Stoutpick
Horde Trainers (1 - 300, including Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, and Artisan)
- Belil – Silvermoon City
- Brek Stonehoof – Thunder Bluff
- Brom Killian – The Undercity
- Johan Focht – Silverpine Forest
- Kruosh – Hellfire
- Krun – Durotar
- Makaru – Orgrimmar
- Pikkle – Tanaris
Master (300 - 375)
- Krugosh – Hellfire Peninsula
Grand Master (375 - 450)
- Brunna Ironaxe
- Jonathan Lewis
- Jedidiah Handers
Early Nodes
The earliest nodes you have access to are Copper and Tin and will be readily available in all starting zones, usually up to Level 15 or 16. You will have a tracking option to find these nodes on, so simply turn it on and start looking for your copper. For the most part, there are no specific instances where you can find Copper and Tin in close proximity, though they are generally located throughout the starting areas. Your goal now is just to level up your skill and store away as much ore as possible.
The earliest nodes you have access to are Copper and Tin and will be readily available in all starting zones, usually up to Level 15 or 16. You will have a tracking option to find these nodes on, so simply turn it on and start looking for your copper. For the most part, there are no specific instances where you can find Copper and Tin in close proximity, though they are generally located throughout the starting areas. Your goal now is just to level up your skill and store away as much ore as possible.
What to Do with Your Ore
Early on in this World of Warcraft Mining Power leveling guide , you might assume your ore is worthless and can just go to a vendor. Think again – everything you gather from the ground as a miner can be sold in the Auction House for a massive profit. Stacks of Copper Ore alone can be sold for 2 - 3 gold a stack. At level 5 this is an incredible boon and can be quite profitable before you reach Journeyman and can start mining other materials like Iron.
Whenever you return to town, mail all of your mining spoils to your alt in the city and store it in a bank until you are ready to sell it in the Auction House. There isn’t too much risk of over saturating the market with mining ore, but still try not to sell all of your ore at once.
Mining Ore Locations for Maximum Profits

Another valuable quest ore is Incendicite Ore, located in the Wetlands, just North of Dun Algaz. This can be sold for a solid profit in the Auction House as well, provided you can find people who need it right away in world of warcraft.

When you reach Mining skill 250 though, you can start getting into the real money makers with ore like Thorium. Thorium sells for about 10 gold per stack to start, but you will also occasionally find Arcane Crystals mixed in with the vein which sell for a solid 15 gold a piece in the Auction House. To find Thorium, you should head to Winterspring or Burning Steppes where it is located in good plenty. They will often be quite populated but if you know where to look (there is also another good spot in Un’Goro Crater), you can make 60 gold an hour in addition to grinding money you might make from killing mobs in these zones.
Finally, when you reach Outland, you will have access to Fel Iron, Adamantite and Khorium Ore, all of which sell extremely well in the Auction House. In Northrend, the same can be said for all three irons you will find there – Cobalt, Saronite and Titanium. You will have the easiest time finding Saronite and its value will thus be a bit skewed for the higher supply but with so many Death Knights seeking Saronite gear, it has been a valuable commodity thus far.

Speed Leveling Mining from 1 - 450
The first step, as mentioned above in this World of Warcraft Mining Power leveling guide is to train as an Apprentice Miner and then to pick up youer mining pick and head out into the world. The first few skill levels will be relatively monotonous, so be prepared for doing the same thing repetitively.
The first step, as mentioned above in this World of Warcraft Mining Power leveling guide is to train as an Apprentice Miner and then to pick up youer mining pick and head out into the world. The first few skill levels will be relatively monotonous, so be prepared for doing the same thing repetitively.
Level 1 - 65
Your first ore will be Copper. Start mining copper in the following locations, depending on your faction and race:
Your first ore will be Copper. Start mining copper in the following locations, depending on your faction and race:
- Horde: Dorotar, Mulgore, and Trisfal Glades
- Alliance: Elwynn Forest and Darkshore
There are other locations to find Copper Ore as well, as any of the starting areas will likely have it, but these are the best locations. You may also find plenty of copper veins in Dun Morogh or Loch Modan as well.
As soon as you reach Level 65 or so, it will become much harder to level up your mining skill on Copper. Learn to mine Tin when you reach Level 65 and start mining it. When you reach Level 75 from mining Tin in the same starting locations you were mining Copper, return to your nearest Mining Trainer and become a Journeyman Miner and learn how to mine Silver. For both factions, the best zones for mining Silver are the Barrens and Thousand Needles.
At Level 125, return to your trainer and learn to mine Iron. Start mining Iron veins in Desolace, the Badlands, and Arathi Highlands at this point until you reach Level 150. At Level 150, train to become an Expert Miner and when you reach Level 155, train to mine Gold. Return to the above mentioned zones and continue mining Iron and Gold until you reach Level 175.

Level 175 - 250
At Level 175, train to mine Mithril and when you reach level 200, train to mine Truesilver. Now, travel to Searing Gorge, Azshara, and Tanaris and start mining Mithril, then Truesilver when you reach the requisite level to do so. You will reach Level 225 in this time period and should find the nearest mining trainer and train to become an Artisan Miner.
Between Levels 250 and 300, you will notice just how much the leveling process has become as you are presented with two new ores and a whole lot of zones to mine. Before proceeding return to your mining trainer and learn how to mine both Thorium and Dark Iron.
Now travel to Un’Goro Crater, The Burning Steppes and the Eastern and Western Plaguelands to start mining for these two new ores as well as Mithril. Here is a break down of what you can expect to find in each zone:
- Thorium – Un’Goro Crater, Burning Steppes, Eastern and Western Plaguelands
- Mithril – Burning Steppes, Eastern and Western Plaguelands
- Dark Iron – Burning Steppes
As you can see, the Burning Steppes has the most diverse collection of mining nodes; however, keep in mind that the competition is much higher here as well.
You are now ready to start mining in Outland and should visit your master mining trainer. The Horde trainer will be in Thrallmar and the Alliance trainer in Honor Hold. Become a Master Miner and learn how to mine Fel Iron. You will find Fel Iron throughout both Hellfire Peninsula and Zangarmarsh (more in the former though). Continue to mine this ore until you reach Level 325.
You cannot train to mine Adamantite until you reach Level 330, so continue to mine Fel Iron in Nagrand until this point. When you reach Level 330, start mining Adamantite (and any Fel Iron deposits you find) until you reach Level 365. You can find many of these veins in Nagrand and a small amount in Blade’s Edge Mountains.
You can train your last ore when you hit Level 350, but will not want to start mining it until your each Level 365 and can ensure success every time. When you do reach Level 365, go to Blade’s Edge Mountains (there are some in Nagrand as well) and mine for Rich Adamantite and Khorium until you reach Level 375.
Following these steps in this World of Warcraft Mining Power leveling guide , you can reach Level 375 as fast as possible. Keep in mind that mining can be a slow grind to the top because you must hunt down each node and hope there are no other players farming the same spots. If there are other players, make sure to be polite and patient, not fighting with them to take their nodes. Roll for it or help each other mine further.
Level 375 – 450

In the last 10 levels or so, you will need to go seek out Titanium in Icecrown and Sholzar Basin. It will allow you to make a great deal more gold than you would have normally but more importantly it will allow you to max out your mining skill – plus these nodes will drop all sorts of rare gems that are incredibly valuable (as well as four different crystallized elements).

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