The chart below shows the various types of cloth you can farm for gold and the average buyout price for it on the Auction House. As you can see, the profitability of different cloth types varies, this is due to the fact that some cloth is very easy to get and some cloth has a very high demand. Felcloth has a very high selling price but one thing to keep in mind is that Felcloth is hard to get and there is a limited demand for it since it is an old world cloth that is used by very few recipes. In fact, I wouldn't advocate farming it, but it can be a bonus if you happen to loot some while farming Runecloth.
Cloth Types | Average Buyout Price on Auction House |
Linen Cloth | 5s each (1g stack) |
Wool Cloth | 10s each (2g stack) |
Silk Cloth | 5s each (1g stack) |
Mageweave Cloth | 25s each (5g stack) |
Runecloth | 20s each (4g stack) |
Netherweave Cloth | 15s each (3g stack) |
Frostweave Cloth | 75s each (15g stack) |
Below you will find maps for some of the best places to farm cloth. I have also included some information about instances since instances are often really good places to farm in if you are a higher level. When farming for cloth it's important to consider not only the drop rate of the cloth off of the mob but the number of mobs in an area. It's better to have 30 mobs in an area with a 50% drop rate than having 10 mobs in an area with a 75% drop rate because with fewer mobs it's likely that you will have to wait for mobs to respawn.
Farming Linen Cloth
Besides the maps that I have shown below other good areas to farm Linen Cloth are in the Ghostlands and Westfall.
Below you will find areas for farming Linen Cloth in Silverpine Forest. The areas on the map have a 42-55% drop rate of Linen Cloth.
Note: Pyrewood Village to the south is friendly to the Alliance during the day but at night the residents turn into mobs which are kill on site. The Horde can kill the mobs here any time.

Below you will find areas for farming Linen Cloth in Loch Modan. The areas on the map have a 42-46% drop rate of Linen Cloth.

Farming Wool Cloth
Besides the areas in the maps below, you can also farm Wool Cloth good in The Stockade and Blackfathom Deeps. If you are Alliance I strongly suggest that you try The Stockade if you are farming with a high level character.
Below you will find areas for farming Wool Cloth in Ashenvale. There are some areas that are friendly to one faction or another so in those areas I have marked whether or not the Horde or Alliance can kill there. The areas on the map have a drop rate of 24-31% of Wool Cloth.

Below you will find areas for farming Wool Cloth in Redridge Mountains. The areas on the map have a drop rate of 25-28% of Wool Cloth.

Farming Silk Cloth
One of the best places to farm Silk Cloth is in Scarlet Monastery, if you have a high level character I strongly suggest you try Scarlet Monastery because of the high amount of mobs and good drop rate of silk.
Below you will find areas for farming Silk Cloth in Alterac Mountains. The areas on the map have a drop rate of 34-37%.

Below you will find areas for farming Silk Cloth in Dustwallow Marsh. The areas on the map have a drop rate of 39-43%.

Farming Mageweave Cloth
If you have a high level character I suggest trying out Zul'Farrak if you are looking to farm Mageweave Cloth. Otherwise the two zones below are quite good for finding Mageweave. One of the maps I have included is for the Horde only and it is one of the best Mageweave Cloth farming locations.
Below is the Horde area for farming in Blasted Lands. This is an excellent area to farm Mageweave and the area on the map has a drop rate 45-47%.

Below you will find areas to farm Mageweave Cloth in Tanaris. The areas on the map have a drop rate of 26-46%.

Farming Runecloth
One of my very favorite places to farm Runecloth is Strathholme. It has a decent drop rate of cloth, blues, and other items to sell, which is why it's featured in the Instance Farming section of this guide. You can also find lots of Runecloth in Dire Maul, Blackrock Spire, and Scholomance.
Below you will find areas to farm Runecloth in Eastern Plaguelands. There is one area in the north that is for Horde only and the areas in the south are elite mobs. The areas on the map have a drop rate of 41-47%.

Below you'll find areas to farm for Runecloth in Hellfire Peninsula. The areas on the map have a drop rate of 40-44%.

Farming Netherweave Cloth
While you can get Netherweave Cloth out of Outland instances, I have had better luck farming in Shadowmoon Valley and Nagrand.
Shadowmoon Valley is a great place to get cloth because there are so many humanoids with good drop rates throughout the zone. The areas circled on the map have a drop rate of 39-51%.

Nagrand is also a great place to farm for cloth. One thing to note is that some of the mobs in Forge Camp Hate and Forge Camp Fear are elites. The areas circled on the map have an average drop rate of 40-49%.

Farming Frostweave Cloth
Because Wrath of the Lich King is the latest expansion it's a little more difficult to farm for cloth in Wrath instances so your best bet for farming Frostweave is by visiting Sholazar Basin and Icecrown.
Below you will see cloth farming locations in Sholazar Basin. The areas circled on the map have an average drop rate of 39-45%.

Below you'll find locations for farming Frostweave Cloth in Icecrown. The areas that are circled in the map below have an average drop rate of 35-48%.

Nice farming spots for cloth. But I disagree with you with the pricing, it still varry according to demands and supply. So if you think your cloths is valuable better horde it and wait until it run out in AH and sell it in high price. :D
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