Below you will find some of the best dailies that I recommend doing if you are looking to make gold or gain reputation.
The Storm Peaks
The Storm Peaks has 5-6 dailies in Dun Niffelem and 4 dailies in Brunnhildar Village, which, if done quickly can yield high gold per hour return. The Sons of Hodir reputation is useful to earn your shoulder enchants: Greater Inscription of the Axe, Greater Inscription of the Crag, Greater Inscription of the Pinnacle and Greater Inscription of the Storm. You can also earn the right to pay 10,000g for an epic Grand Ice Mammoth. Similarly, doing the Brunnhildar Village give you a tiny chance of receiving a rare epic Polar Bear Mount.

Sons of Hodir (1950 Sons of Hodir rep + 82g)
- Blowing Hodir's Helm
- Hot and Cold
- Polishing the Helm
- Spy Hunter
- Thursting Hodir's Spear
- Feeding Angrim (requires revered)
Brunnhildar Village (49g 50s)
- The Aberrations Must Die Prequest: Aberrations
- Back to the Pit Prequest: Into the Pit
- Maintaining Discipline Prequest: Discipline
- Defending Your Title Prequest: Taking on All Challengers
Icecrown has the most dailies for one zone in Northrend, a total of 38 dailies across Horde & Alliance. Most of these dailies are found on either the Skybreaker (Alliance) or Orgrim's Hammer (Horde). However, most of them won't be available until you finish all the quests that start from your faction's airship. I strongly recommend doing all the quests so you can enjoy and reap the benefits of these dailies.

Alliance Ship (160 gold):
Horde Ship (160 gold):
- Blood of the Chosen
- Slaves to Saronite
- Volatility
- Retest Now
- That's Abominable!
- Not a Bug
- Drag and Drop
- Keeping the Alliance Blind
- Make Them Pay! (PvP)
- Neutralizing the Plague (Group)
- No Rest For The Wicked (Group)
The rest of the Icecrown dailies are scattered around in several camps. The blue circles represent Alliance camps and the red represent Horde camps:

The Shadow Vault (Neutral)
Death's Rise (Neutral)
Assault Outposts (Alliance: Ground Commander Koup, Horde: Ground Commander Xutjja)
Ymirheim (Alliance: Frazzle Geargrinder, Horde: Blast Thunderbomb)
Kibli Kilohertz (Alliance)
Fringe Engineer Tezzla (Horde)
Sholazar Basin
Sholazar is home of two competing factions: The Oracles and The Frenzyheart tribes. Most people choose the Oracles, once you're Revered you can purchase a Mysterious Egg every 7 days which gives you a tiny chance of receiving a Green Proto-Drake, also known as the Welfare Drake for people who can't earn their own. Either one you pick you can do 3 dailies for them, chosen randomly from a pool of 7.
The Frenzyheart
- Chicken Party! (Everyday)
- Tools of War
- The Heartblood's Strength
- Rejek: First Blood
- Kartak's Rampage
- Secret Strength of the Frenzyheart
- Strength of the Tempest
- A Hero's Headgear
- Appeasing the Great Rain Stone (Everyday)
- Mastery of the Crystals
- Song of Reflection
- A Cleansing Song
- Will of the Titans
- Power of the Great Ones
- Song of Wind and Water
- Song of Fecundity
- Preparing for the Worst (Borean Tundra)
- Planning for the Future (Dragonblight)
- The Way to His Heart (Howling Fjord)

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