I have been using this method for a bit now since the LFD tool was invented. The system works by exploiting the lockout method. Blizzard gave a little leeway with the system when you get saved to an instance. If the group sucks and breaks apart, it does not actually save you to the instance. So you can que 15 minutes later with a new group for that dungeon.
How it works:
- You must have 2-3 people with you in the group from your server. The more the better because in order for this exploit to work, you have to kick someone from the group.
- After Killing everyone but the completing boss, IE the last boos that rewards you, Kick the PUGGED Player(s). Now, Leader pass leader, then leave party, etc etc, the last person in will then be kicked from the party because theres no group.
- Que up for another dungeon. Do the same thing, for another. Now, after this one is done.. que up for the dungeon that you did prior heroic that you had the lockout on. Profit.
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