
Decided to write a guide on this, i see too much false information being spread about these two rarespawns.
        I'm going to divide this guide into 2 chapters

Chapter 1
- Spawning locations TLPD
- How to farm the TLPD

Chapter 2
- Spawning locations Aeonaxx
- How to farm Aeonaxx

PATIENCE PATIENCE AND MORE PATIENCE, there has been people that has camper for over 60 days and not even seen a corpse, I camped TLPD for over 300 hours, but I only camped Aeonaxx for about 40 until I saw him.

NPCScan <- This addon is a MUST, it basicly plays a sound whenever a rarespawn comes into your targetting range

Bots or Anti AFK tools <- IF YOU WANT to farm overnight/while afk, I made my own AntiAFK tool which i will attach to this thread / post a link.

Time-Lost Proto-Drake

I'm gonna go straight on point, no blabberyblibberish.


On this map you can see all his 4 spawn locations.

How to farm it:
I'm not gonna throw a big wall of text here, so let's get right on it.

You ALWAYS farm a camping spot when there's alot of people looking for it, there are no buts, you find a spawn point, then you stick to it!
The only exception is IF YOU KNOW there's little people camping it, that's when you can kick in the multi-path camping (camping their patrol routes).

I personally like the Bor's Breath (Frozen Lake) Spawn location because it covers 3/4 of TLPD's patrol route.

Some facts:
TLPD Shares a spawn timer with Vyragosa, that means:
They cannot spawn at the same time
When Vyra/TLPD has spawned, there is a 2 hour minimum time limit before they can spawn again (BEFORE IT WAS 6 HOURS)
Vyra has a 15/16 chance of spawning, TLPD has a 1/16 chance of spawning.

You can look at them as "one" rarespawn, and basicly if you're lucky, TLPD will spawn instead of Vyragosa.



Aeonaxx is still a fresh rare, so there's not much info about him, BUT these are the known spawn locations.

It's the same story here, you find a spawn spot, then you stick to it.
HOWEVER there are some places where you can camp, that covers up to _4_ spawn points.

That's where I was when he spawned for me, probably the best location if you're camping that bastard alone.

Some facts about him:
Just like TLPD, he has a mob which he shares a spawn timer with, a level 15 Bat.
After patch 4.0.6 it seems like the spawn rate has increased, but this is still unknown.
There is a 6 hour minimum spawn timer on this mob, so that means If it died at 0600, you won't see him spawning till atleast 12:00.

Basicly, if you see him spawn, take a 6 hour break.

I'm probably gonna add more to this guide whenever I feel like it, I just threw in my personal tips (and the best ways) on how to camp those rarespawns.

Now you dun go and get lured by fake info out there.

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