
The new patch has seen mixed reactions from the PvP and Raiding communities. The changes brought in this patch definitely have a greater effect on PvP than on PvE.

The general feeling on large PvP communities like Arena Junkies is too diverse to qualify as "general". Some players hate the new changes, and some players love the new changes. We've seen a unanimous bawl from Feral Druids who enjoyed being a bit OP for once, and the Hunter community is saying they've been ripped off again. Blizzard has yet to address the real problem of the Hunter class in PvP, which isn't just solved by burst. The trap system is weak CC compared to the capability of other classes, and the hunter class really has no way to recover a fair amount of health.

Affliction warlocks have yet again become the top PvP choice, as was foretold by the analysts and experts of the class community. I've always preferred the feeling of being a curser myself as opposed to commanding demons, even if I'm not really that into the Lock class.

Retribution Paladins everywhere are crying tears of joy once again as their class is welcomed back into the PvP world with a bang.

What were your reactions to Patch 4.0.6?

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