
So lets get started shall we?

First off, be a hunter. Have a tanking pet is recommended, and any spec works, though I recommend MM for more often rapid fire, better DPS, and readiness for a nice oh Sh** button (Refreshing CD on feign is always nice!) MM is actually HIGHLY recommended, for silencing shot.

First off, get into a fresh BoT, this is using some of the trash in the first large room.

This of course means you have to be in a raid, just invite a guildie or a friend and convert to raid with the two of you. 

Ok, so now you are into BoT!

first thing you do? Ignore those guys in front of you! Yes, those guys. The four of them. Pay no heed to the man with the sign. or soul blade.

So, next, you need to sneak to here: (the green check mark!) The red X's are those you pay no heed to.

To get here, dismiss your pet, use camouflage, and hug the left wall. The yellow beam of doom will target you, and you can feign to get rid of it.

Some specifics:

the four guys your ignoring? Seems they would like a word with you. Use deterrence to negate them. Develop a feel for when they will agrro you and use the ability accordingly.

For the yellow beam, you have to be careful. Deterrence will not negate it, so you can only take a few ticks of its damage before you die. Feign to get it off around here:

And by here I mean that corner, but do your best to feign as late as possible, as the chance the beam will correctly drop you goes up the further you are. Sadly the toon I'm on is saved atm, so no actual mobs are there 

So now your hiding in a corner, yay!

Next, we use a very sneaky misdirection trick.

Back up into this corner, and call your pet. Use move to and move it to where my flare is

And the player wants to be where I am standing (its first person view), backed up against the wall and into the corner.

Set the pet to passive!

Now, look toward the yellow stream generator, you can see a pair of twilight phase-twisters. 
do the following:
1. Misidirect your pet
2. Use trap launcher
3. Send a freezing trap flying to one mobs feet. (immolation may work as well!)
4. Mid flight, use feign death!

the mob should aggro the pet, but unlike a normal pull, one one phase twister comes! If you can't get freezing trap to work, or the mob doesn't negate the trap, use immolation trap.

So now the mob is fighting over in the corner with you. Time to kill!

Tell the pet to attack it for threat, use the glyph of MD to make sure you never pull, and watch out for phase twist!
That does not mean set to defensive! Or aggressive for that matter. Keep your pet on passive!

There are several ways to deal with the phase twist.
1. Silencing shot. This should be the one you use most. If doing this as SV:
2. Use freezing trap (works for all specs!) this should work as a interrupt.
3. Scatter shot, but watchout! It can make the mob run into range of the yellow beam, and your pet will follow, and die from it.
4. Feign death not really recommended, because you should be saving it for critical situations. You can use it, and save readiness for the critical situation however.
5. Deterrence. Long CD, and also it tends to not put the CD on the mob ability, last resort!

You can also use pet stuns or interrupts, but I'm not familiar with them.

now DPS the mob down with the above in mind, don't be afraid to use rapid fire, it makes things fast 

you can pull a second phase twister this same way, theres two you can see.

After killing the two, set pet to passive or dismiss it, tab target to a phase twister in the remaining pack, and agrro them with arcane shot or whatever ability you feel. Let them start running and feign. Alternatively, send your pet in, and feign.

They MAY glitch out and evade bug. Its no big deal, just send the pet again and "jiggle the cord a little".

theres my first guide and post on mmowned, lets have some feedback!

N.B. You can bring most classes with stealth to this spot, though I don't know of any mechanic for druids to pull singles, and I have no rogue to play with, this may be possible with a rogue!

you can also just bring them to dps  Makes it a little faster.

N.B. #2. getting to the spot works really well with engineering boots, jsut make sure to start them out of aggro range in case they fail 

n.B. #3 And if your really having trouble with dying, use glyph of MD, a beetle or turtle, and make sure cower is on autocast, growl is on autocast, and that you have a good pet tanking build. And keep mend pet up constantly! And as always tell your pet to attack of course.

Alternatively, you can respec yourself into spirit bond for loads of extra healing.

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