
Frostguard - Craftable item with major profit

Hey guys, this is going to be a quick little guide courtesy of Hayden Hawke gold guide ( Try it out, she have a 60 day full refund!) , explaining how you can craft and sell the item "Frostguard", which is a STUNNING item, selling for around 3-5k a pop.

The materials to craft this item can be bought for under 500g. Usually only around 250g. This is very server dependent, as prices for materials can vary a lot from server to server.

Step 1: What is so special about this item?

The item is looks very amazing, it has a unique look, with a glowing frost orb spinning around it. It draws a LOT of attention.

  • The orb appearance will not be overridden by any enchant, maintaining the unique look.
  • The sword is in fact transmogrifiable, which is how we can sell it for so much.
  • Although the pattern is relatively easy to obtain, you would be suprised at the number of people who don't know about it.
  • The vendor restocks the pattern on roughly a 2-minute respawn timer, allowing for multiple purchases for resale.
  • The weapon is one-handed, and this must be noted if you intend to use it for personal transmogrification.

Step 1: Will I make gold from this?
Check your AH. If it has either the pattern or the item in it, then you may find that you earn less gold.
See below, this is what you do *not* want.

Step 2: Acquiring the Pattern!
If you have checked the AH, and it's all clear, then proceed with buying the pattern. It is relatively easy to obtain -- bought from a vendor inWinterspring. The item will almost definitely be in the NPC's inventory, but if not, wait around 2 minutes for it to respawn.

The NPC is named Daleohm, and is located on the map below, in Winterspring.

Daleohm is very easy to find, a male Blood Elf, .

Step 3: Crafting the Item.
The materials are relatively easy to acquire, most of it can be easily found on the auction house. If you are having trouble finding a particular item, I highly suggest giving wowhead.com a try, it will tell you the best method to find them.

Here is what you will need to craft this beautiful sword:

Step 4:Making the Sale!
You will need to use some sales techniques here -- tell people just how *STUNNING* the weapon is, make them WANT to click on it to try it on. All you need is a bit of creativity =)

You can either post with a sales price, or post asking for people to give you offers. I usually go for the first approach.

Above is one of the ads which I posted. A really important tip though, advertise during peak hours!

All done! Enjoy your easily made gold

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