
Someone just discovered this the other day by accident, here is what you do.

  1. Make a second email account to send a RaF request to.
  2. Accept the request on the second email and continue to set up a new battle.net for that account using a fake name(character name is what I did)
  3. here is where the exploit starts- Go to the blizzard store on the second account in order to buy the battle chest and 2 months digital game time. see next step
  4. When you go to purchase these 3 items you are going to be using a debit card. Have not tried with a credit card (if someone wants to test it) Fill out everything in the payment section correctly except the name on the card. In that spot you are going to be putting the name of your second account (fake character name) any name other than the one on your card.
  5. Now you are ready to confirm payment.
  6. Log on to your main battle.net account and claim your RaF mount.

-----what is going to happen is your card will be declined after a little bit since the name was incorrect and after 1-3 days your money that was pending will be refunded back on the card.

I found this out, because at the time I had accidentally put my alts name for the card when I purchased and gifted a few pets and the items for the RaF. Upon logging in a bit later I noticed the pets were gone but my mount was still there. Called customer service and was told it was due to info being incorrect. He also stated they never took out money because of it and that it might take a few days at most for it to be back in my account.

If someone who was already going to buy themselves a second account for the mount could try this and see if it works again that would be awesome.

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