
This post will give you a good overview of the Monk class and if you are anything like me the first thing you will have done after booting up MOP is picked a Pandaren Monk.

One of the most interesting things about the Monk class is that you will be able to play as either Horde or Alliance and there is no other class that you can do this. You can also at the moment take on roles as Damage, Healer or Tank in a group.

For the setting that you get as a Monk it is similar to the Blood Elves from all the way back in The Burning Legion except with Kung Fu. If you have always felt that WOW needed a bit of Brue Lee you will love the Monk.

Overview of the Monk:

You will be able to pick from 3 specializations that will enable you to pick pretty much any role you want while playing:

Brewmaster – Tank

Mistweaver – Healer

Windwalker – DPS

Strengths Of The Monk:

Healers have a decent set of damaging abilities and healing.
Can play as either faction.
Some decent movement speed buffs.


Leather Armor
Complex resource system and might have to make a hybrid build.

Our Verdict is that the Monk is not for new players (however you can play a Monk as a new player if you wish!)

There are bound to be some tweaks to the Monk shortly but if you have played WOW since Vanilla and been pretty much every class and race there is it makes a welcome addition!

The greatest benefit is that it is World of Warcraft’s first Hybrid class!

For a complete guide on Mists of Pandaria featuring a complete leveling guide and full guide to the Monk, and the new Talent system as well as Pet Battles check out http://www.mopguru.com

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