
The results are in so I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who completed the survey this year! This year we ended up collecting 11,344 usable results! I'd especially like to thank the /r/WoW community your support and turnout was absolutely amazing, so amazing in fact I'm embarrassed I overlooked the Reddit communities in my question about what resources participants used.

As promised here's the link to the full report: http://xsinthis.net/2012/11/report-world-of-warcraft-wealth-survey-2012/

It's a bit lengthy so here's the tl;dr version:
  • Average player gold was 302,593
  • Median player gold was 80,000
  • 81.63% of players surveyed reported below average
  • "The 99%" owns 74.18% of the gold
The turnout was resounding this year, collecting 4 times the number of completed results last year's survey managed.

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