
Reminds me of my own shots of bad luck. Remember that mount that dropped from DS? The one who was the lowest of all drop rates when you played Dragon Soul on normal difficulty?

But I had a chance to see the drop happen.

The first time I rolled on it, it was in a group I was Pugged to. The guys were fun, things went smooth, so we left it open roll. At this point, with the tone of my post, it won't be a surprise to you if I tell you I rolled one. Of course, I didn't get it.

However, my misery didn't end here. Whatever I had done wrong, karma still had retribution and reckoning left in store for me.

This sucker dropped on me twice, two freaking times.

The second time it dropped, the group was a lot more awkward. I was running with the "Butt of the joke" guild of my server, infamous world PVPers with a pretentious leader who had unprecedented skill at attracting ill will upon his person.

Regardless, I kept my mouth shut that day, I had a new toon name and looks so hopefully, he wouldn't recognize me. At this point, I should mention that we didn't get along quite well, nor did me and his second in command, and girlfriend. But I decided to be an adult, and set our differences aside. We ended up like friends of sorts, and as we kept going, it happened.

The mount dropped a second time. And once again, open roll.

And what better way to follow my one I rolled on last time, than rolling a pathetic two? And guess what? It's exactly how it happened. Now, the second in command won it with a legit roll.

I simply congratulated her, and eventually we became friends, and two's arena partners.

And while I don't hate her for what happened before, I hate the fact that whenever she is in Stormwind. She. Is. Always. On. This. Fucking. Mount. And thus, not a single day goes on without me remembering how shitty of a luck I have.

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