Not sure if anyone posted something similair before. But after experimenting a bit I've came up with amazing config and it does works for other people as well (shared with guildies so far). This is best config for low-end and mid ranged PC's. Even if you don't have FPS issues, you can reduce your GPU heating using this config, because game will still look sharp and cool, while it will put less stress on GPU.
I normally don't have FPS issues, but in raids (25 man), BG's like AV/IOC, where there is a lot of people at same place, my FPS drops a lot. With the following config those FPS lags are gone and my game looks fantastic, seems like I would be running everything on HIGH, while it's far from that.

My PC is Intel i5 2500k, AMD Radeon 6870 2GB, SSD drive, 8GB DDR3 ram, in-case anyone is wondering.
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