
Hello everyone, I am here to bring you one of my handy tricks I use when starting out on a new server. I use this method opposed to selling battle pets mainly becaue the pets are just a hassle when you can easily make some gold.

What you will need:

  • A level 5 character of your choice.
  • A little patience
  • Also just a small amount of elbow grease.

Steps to profit??

  1. Create your character you wish to level up on your new server. 
  2. Quest and grind to level 5 vendor as you go.
  3. Upon reaching level 5 train mining and herbing. 
  4. Gather herbs and ore as you quest until you get the quest to run to your capital city. 
  5. After completing the quest to fly to your capital city, run over to the Auction House and place your ore and herbs on the auction house at a competitive price. 
  6. You may log off or continue back to questing while you wait for the auctions to sell... *also remember to herb and mine along the way!!*
  7. What you wanna do is farm anywhere between 75g-350g (Server Dependent and also price depends on how many your piece takes) to buy Magnificent Hides.
  8. What you then wanna do it go to www.underminejournal.com and find your realm and faction. 
  9. Once you find your realm and faction, go to the crafted tab and go to leatherworking. 
  10. Go down the page until you come across the Crafted Malevolent pvp gear. 
  11.  Find the piece of gear that nets the most profit (on avg. of 250-500g) and check how many hides you need for sure. 
  12. Find a Leatherworker with that piece in trade or in your guild if you have one and get it crafted. The items only take 1-3 pieces of the Hides.
  13. Post the item, go level (and mine/Herb) until it sells, next time you are in town you just rinse and repeat...and the more leather you get the more pieces you can craft and that means the more profit you turn over. 

I did this when I made a new toon and got up to 8k before i was level 29. I then went on with my normal gold making routine with other professions. I hope this guide helps, this can help those broke level 90's as well! This is a great way to make money, but remember this is SERVER DEPENDENT. Your results may vary,

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