Here is a lost of all mounts soloable at level 90:
Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (drops from everything)(raid)(only ride-able in raid)(solo-able by any 90) Green Qiraji Resonating Crystal Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (drops from everything)(raid)(only ride-able in raid)(solo-able by any 90) Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (drops from everything)(raid)(only ride-able in raid)(solo-able by any 90) Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (drops from everything)(raid)(only ride-able in raid)(solo-able by any 90) Deathcharger's Reins Stratholme (drops from Lord Aurius Rivendare)(dungeon)(hp-68,760)(solo-able by any 90) Fiery Warhorse's Reins Karazhan (drops from Attumen the Huntsmen)(raid)(hp-265,580)(solo-able by any 90) Swift White Hawkstrider Magisters' Terrace (drops from Kael'thas Sunstrider)(heroic)(hp-442,800)(solo-able by most 90's preferably one that can heal some) Reins of the Raven Lord Sethekk Halls (drops from Anzu)(dungeon)(heroic)(hp-295,200)(solo-able by any 90) Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth Vaults of Archavon (drops from any boss)(raid)(solo-able by most 90's with some type of healing) Armored Razzashi Raptor Zul'Gurub (drops from Bloodlord Mandokir)(dungeon)(heroic)(hp-4,813,652)(solo-able by tank type or classes with pets) Swift Zulian Panther Zul'Gurub (drops from High Priestess Kilnara)(dungeon)(heroic)(hp-4,564,670)(solo-able by tank type or classes with pets) Reins of the Black Drake The Obsidian Sanctum (drops from Sartharion)(raid 10)(3 drakes up)(hp-2,510,100 )(solo-able by tank type or classes with pets) Reins of the Blue Drake Oculus (drops from Ley-Guardian Eregos)(dungeon)(heroic)(hp-3,370,250)(solo-able by any 90) Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake Utgarde Pinnacle (drops from Skadi the Ruthless)(dungeon)(heroic)(hp-431,392)(solo-able by any 90) Reins of the Bronze Drake Culling of Strathholme (drops from Infinite Corruptor)(dungeon)(heroic)(hp-417,911)(solo-able by any 90) Reins of the Drake of the North Wind The Vortex Pinnacle (drops from Altairus)(dungeon)(heroic)(hp-6,639,520)(solo-able by any 90) Reins of the Onyxian Drake Onyxia's Lair (drops from Onyxia)(raid,25 )(heroic)(hp-22,312,000)(solo-able by 90's with pets or healing abilities like tanks, requires some kind of range dps spells) Reins of the Twilight Drake The Obsidian Sanctum (drops from Sartharion)(raid 25)(hp-7,669,750)(solo-able by 90's with pets or healing abilities like tanks) Reins of the Vitreous Stone Drake The Stonecore (drops from Slabhide)(dungeon)(heroic)(hp-4,149,700)(solo-able by any 90) Reins of the Azure Drake The Eye of Eternity (drops from Malygos)(raid 10, 25)(hp-19,523,000)(solo-able by most 90's preferably a class with a pet or some kind of heals like a tank) Flametalon of Alysrazor Firelands (drops from Alysrazor)(raid,25)(heroic)(hp-197,122,144)(only certain classes can solo) Ashes of Al'ar The Eye (drops from Kael'thas Sunstrider)(raid)(hp-3,186,960)(solo-able by most 90's preferred pet or some kind of healing abilities like a tank)
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