
I posted a thread a few months ago regarding how overpowered Glyph of Harsh Words (Glyph of Harsh Words - Item - World of Warcraft) is for the level 70 range as a Holy Paladin. I decided to expand on that a little bit so you guys could see it for yourselves.

For those of you who were around for vanilla and TBC, the Shockadin (offensive Holy Paladin) was a real thing. Unbeknownst to most, it has returned, just not at end game.. It dwells in the level 70 bracket.

Here is the build: 

The real power comes from Word of Glory. A 3 holy power Word of Glory crits like a TRUCK, one shotting people in average or lower gear.

3 HP WoG>Holy Shock>Judge>CS>Instant Flash of Lights via Selfless Healer. Fist of Justice on cooldown, wait til you have 3 Holy Power before stunning and you can always kill within the stun. And of course, YOU ARE A HEALER. KEEP YOURSELF AND OTHERS ALIVE>ALL.

Gear: CRIT. Crit crit crit. We gear and build for damage, with twinked gear healing should not be one or two heals and you will be full.

Tips: Wait til Holy Avenger comes off cooldown to take out that mean twink hunter that is 25-0 in your battleground. Save a pocket Fist of Justice, pop AW and HA and proceed to 3 shot him in the stun. Crusader Strike any enemies that run by you for a quick Holy Power, but always try to stay at range, as that is where 90% of your sustained and all of your burst damage comes from. Hope you guys have as much fun as I did with this build!

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