
So I thought I should preface this. The purpose of these are to make your missions later on easier, so make it simpler on yourself, and before you hit a new zone, check this list and ensure that you at least get these while you're there. Otherwise you will have to go back and get them later on.

Also, Spires of Arak seem to have 2 in them, so make SURE that you get them. One is a quest, and the other is just 'there', anyone can just clear up to him and get it, nothing lost but the time it takes to kill, but they're 97 so... ya. Good luck and happy hunting!

(Horde) Bodyguard Followers

Aeda Brightdawn - Demo Warlock
Aeda Brightdawn - Follower - World of Warcraft
Auchenai Precipice (Talador) (57,51)
Quest: Gatekeepers of Auchindoun - Quest - World of Warcraft

Vivianne - Fire Mage
Vivianne - Follower - World of Warcraft
Quest: Ashran Appearance - Quest - World of Warcraft (part 4) - A Surly Dwarf - Quest - World of Warcraft

Leorajh - Resto Shaman
Leorajh - Follower - World of Warcraft
Inside Cave "Apexis Chamber" Spires of Arak Entrance (55,65.3)
Clear Cave (97 normal mobs, rare 97 mob) - Accept Quest

Talonpriest Ishaal - Shadow Priest
Talonpriest Ishaal - Follower - World of Warcraft
Spires of Arak (46.5, 46.8 Quest: Secrets of the Talonpriests - Quest - World of Warcraft
Start Sky Commander Adaris - NPC - World of Warcraft

Tormmok - Arms Warrior
Tormmok - Follower - World of Warcraft
Involved in World Event: A Centurion Without a Cause - Quest - World of Warcraft
Started by: High Centurion Tormmok - NPC - World of Warcraft (45, 86 in Gorgrond
You don't get the quest until you kill the enemies attacking him, then you can obtain this Follower

(Alliance) Bodyguard Followers

The two unique Alliance Followers are obtained with the same quests as the horde counterparts. But this is what they are.

Leorajh, Talonpriest Ishaal and Tormmok are all available to both factions. Should make for some cool world pvp especially on Leorajh

Defender Illona - Prot Paladin
Auchenai Precipice (Talador) (57,51)
Quest: Gatekeepers of Auchindoun - Quest - World of Warcraft

Delvar Ironfist - Blood Deathknight
Quest: Ashran Appearance - Quest - World of Warcraft (part 4) - A Surly Dwarf - Quest - World of Warcraft

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