
The launch of Warlords of Draenor was definitely one of the most anticlimactic moments of the year in gaming: thousands upon thousands of players world-wide, eager to sink their fangs into the new content and to re-immerse themselves into the World of Warcraft – were essentially left frustrated and unable to actually join the game upon launch. The backlash over the issue was massive and the potential PR pitfalls that it entailed weren’t lost on Blizzard either. A couple of days ago, Executive Producer J.Allan Brack officially admitted that the launch was indeed a subpar experience for players, in a post on the official WOW forums. While he expressed satisfaction with the way the community has received the new expansion, he said that the quality of the product could not serve as an excuse for the poor form of the launch.
Fortunately for the legions of players affected by the launch problems, Brack didn’t stop there: he said that for all subscriptions that were active on November 14, 5 additional days of play-time would be added as compensation for the problems incurred.

While the launch problems were bad as they were with hundreds of thousands of new and returning players flooding the servers of the game, they were exacerbated by an alleged DDoS attack, which obviously made matters much worse. Blizzard reacted to the problems by expanding its instancing, as a result of which, realm capacity has been doubled. Still, problems due to overcrowding persisted.
Wrapping up his arguments, Brack offered an apology to the WOW community, saying once again that Blizzard loved their product and that the launch fiasco therefore doubly hurt them.

Frustration over the failed launch ran so high within the community that the main World of Warcraft subreddit got shut down at one point by the moderators in protest.

Philip Thalberg is a gosugamer, proudly representing the site behind www.gosumedia.net, a turnkey solution provider for the e-sports industry. 

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