
In this post I'll show you how you can disengage "unlimited distances", which can be very usefull for exploration purposes. The macros provided are quite unique, and may have big potential. Read more in the "Macro Exploration" section. Big credits to 4096 for helping with macros and Laykith for testing this with me for countless hours!

How to use:

Edit the macro and enter your targets name. Have your target stand in front of you as shown in the video and in the screenshot. Press the macro, and your game will crash. Now log onto the game again, and once you log in, start spamming the macro again. Rinse and repeat. It's best if your target is a friend of yours, it has shown best results. Also then can he tell you when to stop disengaging etc.

The Macro:

/target /cast disengage /stopmacro [@target, noexists] /run local dTime = 0 local function onUpdate(self,elapsed) dTime = dTime + elapsed if dTime >= 0.8 then ForceQuit() end end local f = CreateFrame("frame"); f:SetScript("OnUpdate", onUpdate);

Macro Explanation:

/run local dTime = 0 local function onUpdate(self,elapsed) dTime = dTime + elapsed if dTime >= 0.8 then ForceQuit() end end local f = CreateFrame("frame"); f:SetScript("OnUpdate", onUpdate);

This code spams ForceQuit after 0.8 seconds. If the macro doesn't seem to work for you, you can try changing the time between 0.4-0.8 seconds. How much time you must have completely depends on your ping, and wether you have a ssd or a hdd(not confirmed).

/stopmacro [@target, noexists]
If you begin spamming the first lines of codes (ForceQuit) it will immediately force quit your game, and ignore the 0.8 seconds delay. 

These lines of codes work as a delay. It targets a friendly player or NPC, but when you log into the game, you cannot target npcs or players for a brief period of time as they haven't loaded in yet. If a target does not exist, it stops the macro and therefore it delays the first macro causing it to function properly.

Your target must be standing in front of you as shown in the video or as shown in the picture below.

You're also able to "steer" the hunter by placing the target in different spots. Play around by choosing different locations and see what happens.

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