
I'm on a huge server and I just can't play when I come back from work because the queue is like 3000 people, but I figured out a way to progress through this queue while at work, here's how :

We're going to use LogMeIn, a tool that allows you to access to your PC through a webbrowser or a smartphone, and use this to launch the login while at work.

What you'll need :
  1. You need to let your home PC turned on while at work,
  2. You need a smartphone or the ability to install programs on your work computer

How it works :
  1. Create an account here : https://secure.logmein.com/ (choose Professional license, their's a free 14 days trial without any credit card or anything needed)
  2. Download the client
  3. Follow the instructions on how to connect to your PC using either your smartphone or a webbrowser
  4. While at work, connect to your home PC, and launch the login queue
  5. Come back from work, you don't have to wait for the queue

You can also use https://www.teamviewer.com instead of LogMeIn as mentionned in the replies. It's a full time free service, but it can only be used from smartphone or desktop app, not by web browser.

Hope it helps some people that didn't already knew about this program.

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