
World of Warcraft has gained back some popularity and now has 10 million subscribers once again thanks to a new expansion, World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor.

The most popular online game has been around for 10 years now and has seen its ups and downs. At its peak in 2010, the game had more than 12 million paying subscribers, according toInquisitr. Since then, the number of players dropped down to around 7 million, which is by no means terrible, but it was clear players were beginning to lose interest.

Now with their latest expansion to the game, Blizzard announced in a press release that the game sold 3.3 million copies when it was released last week and is now back up to a solid 10 million paying subscribers.

“We’re thrilled that so many players jumped in to play Warlords of Draenor on day one and are having a great time with the new content,” Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime said in the press release. “We poured a lot of hard work and passion into this expansion, and we appreciate all the kind words from players and the overwhelming support they continue to show for World of Warcraft.”

Other problems arose during the initial launch of Warlords of Draenor last week with a spike in players taking up server space, which left many players frustrated because of the difficulty they had logging into the game to enjoy the new content they had just paid for.

To compensate players for their patience for the issues, Blizzard decided to offer five days of free play time to players that had active accounts on November 14.

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