
Well, I hope it's my time to contribute a bit.

I'd like to add some specific info that will help you to create REALLY cool char.

Not only swear words are allowed, races, class names, but also I believe you can try:

  1.  God names. I successfully created: Allah, Buddah
  2.  City names. I successfully created: Undercity (I think someone took Orgrimmar already)
  3.  Raid names/raid bosses names: I successfully created: Mephisto, Butcher
  4.  Mobs names
  5.  Some nazi words possibly
  6.  Realm names
  7.  Colors/numbers possibly
  8.  Country names
+ many many more. Post here your coolest names!!!

Some really BADASS names I created: Godmode, Godmodeon, Mother, Master, Omniscent, Trinity, Lichking!

Enjoy, try new cool names and pls post your findings here!

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