
So in this video we are farming for the Blackened Defias Gloves, and Blackened Defias leggings! These items are Twink items used by lvl 19 characters in battlegrounds.They are usually worth anywhere between 2,000 - 8,000 gold each, depending on realm.

For best possible efficiency you wanna be doing this on a Hunter with Demon Stalker 2-set bonus, wich is obtained in Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon and kharazan.

You can also do this with a priest and a rogue, but hunter is simply the best in my opinion.

Just head over to the defias overseer's right before the goblin foundry, ONLY KILL ONE of the overseer's, loot it, and then leave combat ( using abilities such as feign death,vanish etc) in order to get the overseer to respawn again, rinse and repeat, get gold, simple as that! 

The items have 2% drop chance, you'll be able to kill around 180 mobs/hour, wich means that you could expect to get 2-3 items per hour!

- Hopefully some of you aren't aware of this, and can get the items to actually sell, becuse you gotta take in consideration that these items dont usually sell on a daily basis.
cheers guys

Video explaining everything in details :

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