
took this screen shot because it made me laugh, and didn't think much else of it.

Still thought he might be a troll until I looked up his youtube account.

I felt bad and didn't want him to have a sour experience, so my new mission for the evening was to get him his charter signature. which is why I started chatting with him in the first place.

I thought he was struggling with the alt codes, but it turns out I had to be on the same server in order to sign it. Almost ten years later and I'm still learning things about this game.

curious about how long he had been playing.

met me at the BE starting area and we were able to get his guild rolling. woo!

he offered to invite my other toon to the guild.

Not a bad experience! It was a nice reminder that you never know who you're interacting with in this game. So be polite and help each other out!

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