
Stumbled upon this amazing bug, fun and hillarious!
This bug lets you keep some Capital Letters in your character name (besides the first letter ofc). These "new" letters are 100% random.

So what to do?

How it procced for me:
  1. Buy Realm+Fac Change.
  2. Create an alt on the destination realm with the characters previous name
  3. Finish The Transfer
  4. Delete the lvl 1 alt(once the new toon is there with random characters in the name).
  5. Use the FACTION Change before logging into the game.
  6. Log In.
  7. Profit, ur Character should now be bugged and have capital letters in his name as such ( Visible for EVERYONE).


I did test it out with Random People thru LFG Tool, even when signing up the last letters were Capitalized for them, aswell as Party Chats etc.
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