
Queue with 9 into WSG as a premade for a full legit queue.

Queue at the same time with an alt which is a group of 2 so you can group queue wsg

9 minutes later (the length it takes for a premade to win a wsg) queue the 2nd holder account with an alt which is in a group of 2

When the queue gets close to popping (e.g 18/20 mins in queue), the second account in queue logs out to prevent queue from ticking upwards, thus pausing it indefinitely.

Win your wsg in 9 minutes. When you get out of wsg queue, the alt holding a queue invites the 9 premade members into the group.

the logged out character logs back in and resumes queue. They only have to wait 1-2 minutes.

Repeat as necessary and enjoy your 1-2 minute queues.
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