
The latest news that comes from Activision Blizzard Entertainment reveals that we will enjoy the Call of Duty, Overwatch and Hearthstone league on the Youtube! The streaming, which will be on for a couple of years, will be available online, while the best esport betting sites 2020 will have a ton of work to provide the betting options! Google announced that the Google Cloud is going to be the main provider for the whole structure! 

Youtube as the exclusive streaming service

Youtube is one of the main and most powerful content platforms but it became even more powerful once the players started streaming their matches and games. Like the majority of esport betting uk streams, the COD and Overwatch league are going to be released on this platform. There was an announcement by the CEO of Activision.

Pete Vlastelica, CEO of Activision Blizzard company, reported that he thrived with this agreement and that the spectators would be able to enjoy live game competitions. In addition, they will be able to watch on-demand these matches, which speaks enough about the popularity of this industry. Thanks to the Youtube platform, the powerful communities are becoming even stronger, relying on the powerful platform and super-tech-savvy entertainment that would bring in more people and players who will watch matches.

Call Of Duty League debut

Among all esports betting websites, there was news about launching the league on 24th January, while the Overwatch league is not going to be released until February 8th. As they say, there are more than 200 million of gamers that are watching the matches every day and they see more than 50 billion hours of gaming content. What this means is that both Call of Duty and Overwatch are going to beat the records, as players will arrive in a larger number on Youtube to watch the games! The esports betting real money is taking a huge step forward, as there will be match streams available all the time!

The world-class event

As the statistics show, the initial release of the streaming would attract even more people and giving this platform the exclusive rights to stream the games will demonstrate how big this industry is. The partnership proves that game streaming is becoming one of the world-class events that is going to cost an arm and leg to attend live matches. Therefore, Youtube will touch the tip of the iceberg and we can expect some serious changes in technical infrastructure!
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