
 Slots and video poker are some of the most popular casino games. But some players who like Daopay casino are torn between slots and video poker. This is because, despite the popularity of these games, they have some differences. Nevertheless, the strategic element of video poker makes players that lose in slots consider it. Similarly, players who don’t want to struggle with video poker's strategy element consider slots because of their simplicity. 

Similarities and Differences Between Video Poker and Slots 

Before deciding whether video poker is better than slot machines, it’s crucial to consider the similarities and differences of these games. 


  • Random Number Generator: Both slot machines and poker games use a random number generator. This generator creates a sequence of unpredictable numbers. Thus, each round of these games depends on random chance. 

  • Table Games Alternatives: Both of these games are great alternatives to most table games. Thus, gamers that don’t want to play table games can choose either slots or video poker games. 

  • Different Payback: The same slot or video poker games can have a different payback. Online slots offer the same payout percentage for individual games regardless of the casino. However, some online slots feature varying payback depending on the casino. 

  • Betting Options: Both slots and poker games provide betting options. Thus, slots and video poker players alter betting options to suit their preferences. 


  • Strategy: Video poker requires an intricate strategy. That’s because you have to choose the card to discard and the card to keep. And your decision will affect your payback. 

  • Progressive jackpots: Slot players get progressive jackpots that can be up to millions. With video poker, players can get only a royal flush payout, whose amount is only 4,000 coins. 

  • Higher Payback: Video poker has a higher payback when compared to slots. For instance, 8/5 Bonus Poker gives the player a higher payback that they can get with a slot machine. 

  • Relaxed gameplay: As hinted, playing video poker requires a strategy. On the other hand, slots are more relaxing to play. And this makes them ideal for people that don’t mind about higher returns or strategy. 

  • Payback: Understanding the payback for video poker is relatively easier than figuring out that of slots. With video poker, you just check the paytable and get easy-to-understand information about payouts, depending on the variant that you choose to play. 

  • Comps: Slots give players more comps, though the house edge is larger. 

What Is the Best Option– Video Poker or Slots? 

The main differences are that video poker requires more strategy, and the payback is higher than that of slots. On the other hand, slots have larger jackpots, and they give players more comps. These differences make these games unique. 

What’s more, these games appeal to certain crowds due to their differences. Some people prefer video poker because they want to use and practice their skills when it comes to winning. On the other hand, some players prefer slot machines because they love chasing big jackpots or playing without strategizing. 

Therefore, this comparison doesn’t make one game better than the other. It only highlights the specific aspects that gamblers should consider when deciding on the games to play at an online casino. 

Remember that if you choose to play video poker, you have to develop a strategy that you will implement while playing. Your choice of the machine, credits, and the cards to keep, will impact the game’s outcome. But if you choose to play slots, you only select the machine to play, spin the reels, and manage your bankroll. The payouts for most machines have almost the same percentages. 


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