
I'm sure most of us daily refresh crafting list, craft, some of us do Callings for gold, wondering what else you do?

In an effort to not have this nuked as a generic "How do I Make Gold bla bla bla" thread I'll start with a few things I do. I'm not rich by any means, but I do OK. Maybe we can discuss if some of these things are a waste of time or not, of course they'll be server dependant.

First I do daily Panda farms, STILL, on 2 realms where Trillium and all of it's related products still do well. Ghost Iron prospecting to JC panthers, Trillium direct sales + transmuites to living steel if applicable. I love the 1-50 leveling game in LFG, after that I sort of lose interest in Shadowlands. And that's fine, and it may change with 9.1.5, but my point is 1-50 is great. And you can still do well with gold in older expansions.

If I have a level 40-50ish alt doing nothing, they get relegated to Panda farmer status and I quickly run a few dailies, get exalted in a few days and grow Trillium Ore. I'll max out their mining and sometimes alchemy. I only play on a few servers but it's a good way to get some gold to invest on new realms where I do battle pet flips.

I estimate each daily 5 minutes in my panda farms planting and harvesting 16 snakeroots for trillium + ghost iron to be worth about 2k gold per toon dependant on having a miner to smelt and an optional transmute alchemist to transmute.

Weekly I do a few runs of Molten Core for Dark Iron, killing Giants for Blood of the Mountain, then finally killing Golemagg for chance at Sulfuron Ingot which isn't worth much, but I use them for crafting Hammers which sell OK.

Daily I do /battle pet/rare/1000g/20000g searches noting things particularly well below dbregionmarketavg and scooping them up. Slow sellers but I do alright with pets. I don't bother littering the results with 3g pets anymore I just filter them out with the search string above, obviously customizable to whatever numbers you like. I let it run for a few minutes while I make a drink then I come back and make a few purchases.

Daily I still craft Legendary crafting reagants. I never really got into the Lego crafting madness, unfortunately, I'd be rich now if I did. It's not too late, but with the state of the game now I just sell to other people crafting Legos. They sell OK for decent markup.

Daily I search my SL Trade Groups group on the AH, looking for things below dbmarket that sell. A few times a week I'll make some big flips.

Daily I'm trying to remember to make Pandaria cooldowns for Mining/BSing, same with Outlands Tailoring/etc, but I forget quite a bit. It wouldn't hurt to scan underpriced recipes but I always forget .

I've been trying to setup the addon Executive Assistant which is pretty amazing TBH and looking for a few more niche ideas to add. I don't logon daily anymore, but when I do I try to follow the template of gather auctions -> recraft -> post -> panda farms -> weekly farms -> look in LFG for farms (dead lately) -> logoff

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