
 Patch 9.1.5 introduced the ability to link your Mythic+ and Rated PvP ratings to other players in chat channels. Blizzard built in some protection so they can't be edited. This is very easy to get around. Below is a full guide to creating whatever times and ratings you want to show other players.

This of course does not actually affect what is stored about your character in-game. It's merely a tool to get into groups if the leader is too lazy to check RIO or other 3rd party site.

BackgrounddungeonScore and pvpRating both use character GUIDs to verify the stats in the link. If the stats don't match up to what the server has stored, the link will not be clickable and/or not send at all. By changing the GUID to nonsense, you can do whatever you want, including custom text in the link.

Using a GUID of Player-000-FFFFFFFF accomplishes this just fine.

Static Information

The following IDs apply to both sections.

Class IDClass Name1Warrior2Paladin3Hunter4Rogue5Priest6Death Knight7Shaman8Mage9Warlock10Monk11Druid12Demon Hunter

Mythic+ Spoofing

The link is as follows


|cffffd100|HdungeonScore:<SCORE>:Player-000-FFFFFFFF:<NAME>:<CLASS>:<ITEMLEVEL>:<LEVEL>:<TOTAL RUNS>:375:0:0:376:0:0:377:0:0:378:0:0:379:0:0:380:0:0:381:0:0:382:0:0|h[Mythic+ Rating]|h|r

Each dungeon has three components - the MapChallengeMode ID, the chest amount, and the dungeon level.

MapChallengeMode IDDungeon Name
375Mists of Tirna Scithe
376Necrotic Wake
377De Other Side
378Halls of Atonement
380Sanguine Depths
381Spires of Ascension
382Theater of Pain

Simply fill out the chest amount (doesn't matter, but keep it between 0-3) and the score for each map in the link. A finished result may look like this.


|cffffd100|HdungeonScore:2885:Player-000-FFFFFFFF:Smitten:7:254:60:566:375:2:25:376:1:26:377:1:25:378:1:26:379:1:26:380:2:24:381:1:25:382:1:24|h[Mythic+  Rating]|h|r

In game, that will look as follows.

Rated PvP Spoofing

The link is as follows


|cffffd100|HpvpRating:Player-000-FFFFFFFF:<NAME>:<CLASS>:<ITEM LEVEL>:<LEVEL>:1:<2v2 RATING>:<TIER>:<GAMES PLAYED>:2:<3v3 RATING>:<TIER>:<GAMES PLAYED>:4:<RGB RATING>:<TIER>:<GAMES PLAYED>|h[PvP Rating]|h|r

Each bracket similarly has three components - the rating, the tier and the amount of games played.

I've included the new tier table below, with their updated minimum and maximum rankings.

PvPTier IDTitleRating
1Combatant I1000
6Combatant II1200
2Challenger I1400
7Challenger II1600
3Rival I1800
8Rival II1950

As with Mythic+, just fill out with desired stats. A finished result may look like this.


|cffffd100|HpvpRating:Player-000-FFFFFFFF:Smitten:7:254:60:1:2433:5:616:2:2861:5:2717:5:2217:4:365|h[PvP Rating]|h|r

Which looks as such in game:

Linking to Others

Okay so that's all well and good. How do we get it to other players?

Easiest way is to make a macro. Make a new macro and call it whatever you want. Shift-click your rating into the macro window and save it. By default, it'll be


/cast [Mythic+ Rating]

I changed /cast to /w <my character name> for this example.

Log out of WoW, and navigate to your WoW folder. Inside _retail_ / WTF / Account / <your account name or number> there will be macros-cache.txt.

You can simply make those changes within there in Notepad. Whenever you need to share it with somebody, just change the name in the macro that it will be whispered to. You can do that part in-game.

Bonus Fun Stuff

  • The text can be whatever you want. Including Unicode characters & raid markers. Adding a newline ( |n ) will cause you to send a blank message.
  • Mythic+ is not limited to displaying Shadowlands Dungeons. It will work for any Legion, BFA or Shadowlands Mythic+ dungeon, as well as MoP and WoD Challenge Mode dungeons.
  • Dungeons can even be doubled up.
  • Bonus unlisted fun goodies for people to discover themselves through experimenting!

Thanks for reading. Stay safe and have fun.

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