
Blizzard Entertainment is best known for its iconic real-time strategy (RTS) games like Warcraft and StarCraft. However, it’s been years since the company released a new RTS title. Despite internal attempts to revive the genre, these efforts have faced a series of rejections from Blizzard's higher-ups.

Warcraft 4 and the RTS Revival: What Happened?

Blizzard developers, including former production director Tim Morten, were eager to bring another RTS to life after the relative success of StarCraft 2. For fans of the genre, the news of a possible Warcraft 4 was enough to get the hype train rolling. But alas, the dream of a sequel to Warcraft 3 wasn’t meant to be.

Blizzard executives apparently weren’t convinced by the pitches. According to reports, the company turned down ideas for Warcraft 4 and even an ambitious, albeit unusual, Call of Duty RTS​.Yes, you read that right—there was talk of turning Call of Duty into a real-time strategy game, which, let’s be honest, sounds either brilliantly bizarre or an absolute train wreck. But despite developers’ best efforts, Blizzard’s leadership wasn’t keen to back another RTS venture.

Why Did Blizzard Shoot Down Warcraft 4?

One big reason Warcraft 4 never saw the light of day could be the failure of Warcraft 3: Reforged. Intended to be a glorious return to one of Blizzard’s most beloved franchises, Reforged was widely criticized for its bugs, missing features, and overall lackluster quality. It was Blizzard’s first major flop, and the team likely didn’t want to take a gamble on another Warcraft strategy game so soon after the backlash​.

Warcraft 3: Reforged wasn’t just a disappointment for players; it tarnished Blizzard's reputation as a studio that could do no wrong. This failure probably contributed to the reluctance of Blizzard's execs to give another RTS a green light.

Call of Duty as an RTS? Wait, What?

In a surprising twist, there was even a pitch for a Call of Duty real-time strategy game. Given that Call of Duty is known for its fast-paced, first-person shooter gameplay, the idea of managing troops from a top-down view might seem like a stretch. But hey, stranger things have happened in gaming.

Could Call of Duty RTS have worked? Maybe. It would certainly have been a unique take on the franchise. But ultimately, the pitch didn’t make it past the proposal stage. With the Call of Duty franchise focused on its successful shooter formula, it’s understandable why Blizzard didn’t want to take the risk of pivoting into strategy territory.

The Future of RTS at Blizzard: Is There Hope?

Despite these setbacks, the passion for RTS hasn’t completely died at Blizzard. While the company hasn’t produced a new strategy game in years, former Blizzard developers have gone on to work on new RTS projects outside of the company. One notable example is Stormgate, a title developed by ex-Blizzard employees who left the company after their RTS pitches were rejected. It remains to be seen whether this game will capture the same magic that Blizzard RTS games once had, but for now, it’s keeping the genre’s flame alive.

Blizzard's merger with Microsoft might also provide new opportunities. Microsoft has a history of supporting strategy games, from Age of Empires to the recently announced Age of Mythology Retold. There’s a glimmer of hope that this new partnership could reignite Blizzard’s RTS ambitions.

What Does This Mean for RTS Fans?

If you’re a die-hard fan of Blizzard’s RTS games, it’s easy to feel a little disappointed by the lack of new titles. The failure to get Warcraft 4 off the ground and the downright bizarre Call of Duty RTS idea might seem like missed opportunities. But the world of real-time strategy isn’t dead just yet. There are still dedicated developers working to bring new and innovative RTS experiences to players.

The good news is that there’s always a chance Blizzard might revisit the idea of an RTS in the future. If Stormgate or other new RTS games find success, it might inspire Blizzard to reconsider. After all, the gaming landscape is constantly evolving, and what seems like a risky genre today could make a comeback tomorrow.

Conclusion: Blizzard’s RTS Gamble

Blizzard's attempt to get another RTS off the ground—whether through Warcraft 4 or the wild notion of a Call of Duty strategy game—may have been shot down, but that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. While the company’s executives seem more focused on proven successes like Overwatch and World of Warcraft, the passion for RTS still burns within some of Blizzard's developers.

For fans of real-time strategy, the failure of these pitches is frustrating, but the future remains open. With Microsoft now in the mix and new RTS games on the horizon from former Blizzard devs, the genre could still make a triumphant return. So, while we might not see Warcraft 4 anytime soon, keep your fingers crossed—anything’s possible in the world of gaming.

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