

Gul'dan is one of the most infamous and influential villains in the Warcraft universe. As the orc who introduced fel magic to the Horde, he played a critical role in shaping the history of Azeroth. His hunger for power knew no bounds, and he made dangerous alliances that led to his rise and eventual demise. But how did Gul'dan die? Let’s take a deep dive into his life, his two versions (yes, there’s more than one!), and his eventual death(s), all while keeping things engaging and lighthearted.

Who Was Gul'dan?

Before we answer how Gul'dan died, let’s establish who he was and why his name strikes fear into the hearts of so many. Gul'dan was an orcish warlock and the founder of the Shadow Council, a secretive group of warlocks who corrupted the orcish race and led them to drink the blood of Mannoroth, binding the Horde to the Burning Legion. Once a shaman of the orcs, Gul'dan abandoned the elemental forces to wield fel magic—a chaotic and destructive force fueled by the demons of the Burning Legion.

This move not only set the orcs on a dark path but also played a massive role in the creation of the Dark Portal, leading to the invasion of Azeroth. Gul'dan’s thirst for power was insatiable, and he was willing to betray anyone—his people, his allies, even his demonic masters—to achieve his goals.

The Rise of Gul'dan

Gul'dan’s rise to power began when he allied with Kil’jaeden, a powerful demon lord of the Burning Legion, who promised him immense power in exchange for leading the orcs to serve the Legion. Gul'dan manipulated the Horde, convincing the orcish chieftains to drink the blood of Mannoroth, which bound them to the Burning Legion and transformed them into bloodthirsty warriors. This act, along with the destruction of Draenor (the orcs’ homeworld), cemented Gul'dan as one of the most hated figures in orc history.

Even after orchestrating the invasion of Azeroth, Gul'dan’s ambitions didn’t stop. He sought the Tomb of Sargeras, hoping to harness the power of the dark titan to become a god. But, as with many who fly too close to the sun, Gul'dan’s downfall was inevitable.

How Did Gul'dan Die? (The Original Gul'dan)

The first version of Gul'dan met his end in a rather fitting way: betrayed by his own ambition. In the original Warcraft timeline, after the First War between the orcs and humans, Gul'dan abandoned his allies in the middle of a critical battle to search for the Tomb of Sargeras. His betrayal led to the Horde’s defeat in the Second War, but Gul'dan cared little about that—he was more interested in acquiring god-like power.

However, once inside the Tomb, Gul'dan quickly realized that he had underestimated the dangers within. Rather than finding the power of Sargeras, he found death at the hands of the demons who guarded the tomb. Gul'dan was torn apart by the very forces he sought to control, marking the end of his reign of terror in Azeroth—at least in this timeline.

Gul'dan 2.0: Alternate Timeline Gul'dan

Because Warcraft loves a good multiverse, an alternate version of Gul'dan appeared in World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor. In this alternate timeline, the events leading up to Gul'dan’s rise differed, but his ambition and thirst for power remained the same. This version of Gul'dan was just as cunning and ruthless as the original, manipulating events in Draenor to serve his own ends.

After aiding the Burning Legion in their invasion of Azeroth, alternate-timeline Gul'dan managed to open the portal that led to the return of the Legion in World of Warcraft: Legion. However, like his original counterpart, this Gul'dan’s quest for power would also lead to his downfall.

How Did Gul'dan Die? (Alternate Timeline)

In Legion, players finally get to confront the alternate Gul'dan in the Nighthold raid. Having absorbed the energies of the Nightwell, Gul'dan became one of the most powerful foes Azeroth had ever seen. His end came when players, with the help of Khadgar and Illidan Stormrage, launched an assault on the Nighthold to stop Gul'dan from further empowering the Legion’s forces.

The battle with Gul'dan is one of the most iconic encounters in World of Warcraft, with Gul'dan unleashing waves of fel energy, summoning demons, and attempting to bring destruction to Azeroth. But ultimately, his power proved to be his undoing. In the final moments of the raid, Gul'dan is defeated by the players, and Illidan delivers the killing blow, bringing an end to the alternate-timeline Gul'dan’s reign of terror once and for all.

The Symbolism of Gul'dan’s Deaths

Gul'dan’s two deaths symbolize the consequences of unchecked ambition and the dangers of dark power. In both versions, Gul'dan’s quest for control and immortality leads him to betray his allies and manipulate others for his own gain. However, each time, he underestimates the forces he seeks to control, leading to his inevitable demise. His story serves as a cautionary tale in the Warcraft universe, showing that even the most cunning and powerful individuals cannot escape the consequences of their actions.

Fans’ Reactions: A Villain We Love to Hate

Gul'dan’s character has left a lasting impression on the Warcraft community. Fans admire him as a well-written villain whose complex motivations and schemes drive much of the plot in both the original timeline and the alternate one. His cunning, ruthlessness, and charisma make him a character that players love to hate. From his manipulations of the Horde to his role in the return of the Burning Legion, Gul'dan’s impact on the Warcraft story cannot be overstated.

Conclusion: How Did Gul'dan Die?

So, how did Gul'dan die? He died twice, in two different timelines. In the original timeline, Gul'dan was torn apart by demons while seeking the Tomb of Sargeras. In the alternate timeline, he was killed by players and Illidan Stormrage during the Nighthold raid in World of Warcraft: Legion. His relentless ambition and hunger for power were ultimately his undoing, cementing his legacy as one of the most notorious villains in Warcraft history.

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